The film “Death Challenge” was released in 1996. The story takes place in the 1920’s and follows a thief named Chris Duboi who is on the run from the police in a suburb of New York.
On his escape he flies to Asia as a stowaway on a cargo ship. In Thailand, the character is played by JeanClaude Van Damme is introduced to the subterranean world of martial arts by Lord Dobbs.
Chris begins a rigorous training session to take part in a secret fight that will bring together the world’s greatest fighters. One of his opponents in the film is Khan, played by an actor Abdel Qissi.
In addition to acting, he was also a boxer, participating in eight fights and winning five of them, winning two by KO, one by draw and two losses. Born in Morocco, Abdel is currently 63 years old.
At a young age he moved to Belgium. After his career in the ring, the actor met Van Damme and had the opportunity to work with him on films such as Death Challenge and White Lion: The Lawless Fighter.
He publishes photos and videos on his Instagram profile that are reminiscent of the past and also show a bit of his private life. In 2018, Qissi appeared in two episodes of the Agents of SHIELD series.
He also starred in The Order, The Quest, and Los Bravos.