1648952054 Energy groups are attacking the Biden administration for its unwillingness

Energy groups are attacking the Biden administration for its unwillingness to expand domestic oil production

Rep. Steve Scalise discusses on Wall Street how the Biden administration plans to release 1 million barrels of oil from US reserves every day for six months.

Two American energy companies are attacking the Biden administration over its halt to domestic oil and gas production, one with a five-figure ad buy and another whose president is due to testify before a Senate committee next week.

The American Energy Alliance launched a five-figure ad campaign against President Biden and his administration for sending “mixed signals” regarding America’s energy production.

biden oil

View of the pumpjack in the oil well of the oil field. The arrangement is commonly used for onshore wells that produce little oil. (AP/iStock/AP Images)

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The ad, titled “Which is it?” – Includes statements by Biden, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, and US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Action John Kerry when they opposed oil production in the United States, and compares those statements to more recent statements they have made regarding the importance of increasing oil supplies .

“So what is it,” asks the ad. “We need clear support for domestic energy production.”

The ad will be televised in Washington, D.C. and 12 states — Arizona, California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington — as Americans continue to feel the pain pump.

In a statement released this week, Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, claimed the Biden administration was doing “whatever it took to stall domestic energy production,” saying Biden’s plan to release one million barrels of oil a day for the next six months from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve is not a “sustainable price reduction plan”.

Pyle made a similar statement in a recent interview with FOX Business. “Despite its rhetoric, the Biden administration is doing absolutely nothing to promote American natural gas and oil production. In fact, they make it harder,” Pyle said at the time. “The pain at the pump is real and this administration is making it worse, not better.”

Oil pump jack in California

A pumpjack is seen at sunrise near Bakersfield, California October 14, 2014. (Reuters/Lucy Nicholson/File Photo / Reuters Photos)

The Western Energy Alliance is also pushing against the Biden administration over its unwillingness to increase domestic oil supplies. On Tuesday, Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma will testify in a hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee.

“President Biden is attempting to shift the blame for high gasoline prices onto American producers from his climate change policies, which were specifically designed to eliminate federal oil production and necessarily drive up energy prices,” Sgamma said in a statement that was shared with FOX Business. “I look forward to testifying on Tuesday to discuss exactly how his policies are suppressing American production and how they might be reversed.”

Biden, Russia Ukraine War, Russian Oil, War, Conflicts

US President Joe Biden speaks on cutting energy prices Thursday, March 31, 2022, at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, United States. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Similar to the positions of the American Energy Alliance and the Western Energy Alliance, the American Petroleum Institute also took aim at Biden and members of his administration this week, saying they have a “fundamental misunderstanding of how leasing works.”


“The best thing the White House can do now is remove barriers to investment in America’s power generation and infrastructure,” said API President and CEO Mike Sommers.

“Once again, management has a fundamental misunderstanding of how leases work,” Sommers added. “The percentage of production leases is at a two-decade high, with nearly two out of three leases producing natural gas and oil. With nearly 5,000 permits awaiting administrative approval and thousands more locked in litigation, we stand ready to work with the government to expand domestic manufacturing and ensure the U.S. and our allies have access to more affordable , have more reliable energy that is needed not only today but also for years to come.”

The national average per gallon of gasoline is $4.20, according to the AAA, up more than $1.30 from the same time last year.