English comedian jokes with Liverpool Brazilian after winning Emmy Awards

English comedian jokes with Liverpool Brazilian after winning Emmy Awards Itatiaia

English comedian John Oliver stole the show during the 2024 Emmy Awards held in Los Angeles, USA, on Monday evening (15). The ceremony is dedicated to the biggest honor for television programs and professionals and had Oliver as one of the winners.

Host of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, an HBO show with a satirical look at news, politics and current events, the comedian won in two categories: best variety series and best script for a variety show.

In his acceptance speech for the award, Oliver didn't let his good mood be taken away from him. In addition to the classic thanks to the production team and those involved in the show, the Englishman also joked about promising his children Pokémon cards and asking the public how they could get them on the way to Los Angeles airport.

Finally, John Oliver joked that he would not leave the stage until he was expelled by the mother of Anthony Anderson, the American actor and comedian who hosted the ceremony. While the woman did not comment, Oliver began picking the current Liverpool team, citing Brazilian Alisson.

“I'm not leaving until I get kicked out by Anthony Anderson's mother, so I'm going to start reading the names of the Liverpool players. We have Alisson Becker in goal; hence we have Trent AlexanderArnold; and of course we have Virgil van Dijk. Oh, her [mãe de Anthony Anderson] “When I’m not here I can talk about the whole team,” joked John Oliver.

The woman soon appeared, also in a good mood, and influenced Oliver's departure from the stage. Liverpool themselves published the comedian's speech via social media and wished him congratulations on his achievements.

“You can read our lineup at any time,” joked the profile of the Reds, current Premier League leaders with 45 points from 20 games. Since 1992, when the English championship changed its format, Liverpool have become champions only once: in 2020. However, throughout history there have been 19 victories, behind only Manchester United, which became champions 20 times.

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