Enrique Guzman had to hospitalize his wife Rosalba Welter

Enrique Guzmán had to hospitalize his wife Rosalba Welter

Enrique Guzmán had to hospitalize his wife Rosalba Welter (INSTAGRAM).

Enrique Guzmán had to give his wife Rosalba Welter | hospitalize INSTAGRAM

Remember that last week the Pinal dynasty was there again scandalswhen we found out Mayela sent some to Laguna audio to rail against Luis Enrique Guzmán’s family and against him.

However, the famous man supported his father Enrique Guzmán, who was very worried about his wife Mrs. Rosalba Welterwho had a very bad relapse COPDso he had to hospitalize her for four days.

According to TV Notas magazine, he has been in touch with people close to the family and has assured that although Don Enrique is very much stuck in a hospital stay, things are just a scare calm Given the situation.

Also the children of Sylvia pineapple They came to support their father, they arrived at night trying not to be recognized, but of course the media there was very attentive.

There are photos where we could see that his children accompanied him for more than two hours, they even asked for donors because they were needed.

After these four days they were finally able to return home, so thanks to hospital protocol the lady had to leave in a wheelchair.

We leave you the following link if you want to see the photos taken by said magazine, moments of torment but fortunately ended with her dismissal, hoping that the lady recovers and that she is much better.

We also wish Enrique Guzmán a lot of peace and tranquility in these difficult times, we will continue to keep an eye on everything interesting about this celebrity and many others, news about the show, entertainment and much more so that you don’t miss it .