“Epstein had sexy videos of Trump, Clinton and Prince Andrew”

Jeffrey Epstein had video footage of sexual relations between a woman and some of his celebrity friends, including Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and British tycoon Richard Branson.

It is the explosive revelation of the release of the final tranche of documents is related to the case of the pedophile financier who committed suicide in his cell in New York in 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking of minors.

The papers reveal statements from Sarah Ransome, one of Epstein's accusers, that Trump “regularly” had “sexual relations” with one of his friends at the financier's home in New York.

In a series of emails from 2016, the woman also claims to have copies of the red light photographs Epstein took without the knowledge of some VIPs he frequently visited, including the tycoon, former President Clinton and the brother of King Charles . The friend, she writes in one of the messages, “confided to me about her casual 'friendship' with Donald. Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept saying how much he liked her 'firm nipples.'” . “I also know that he had regular sexual relations with Trump at Jeffrey’s mansion in New York,” he continues.

The documents are part of a now-settled defamation lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre, Epstein's accuser, filed a lawsuit in 2015 against his later convicted girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, who recruited the girls. The messages were leaked as Maxwell's lawyers attempted to undermine Sarah Ransome's credibility.

If the story were true, it would be corroborated by what was revealed in a previous tranche of documents about the true objectives of the youth trafficking orchestrated by the financier along with his partner: to offer minors to “numerous major American politicians and powerful business leaders,” foreign presidents, a well-known First Minister and other world leaders,” with the aim of ingratiating themselves with them for his financial activities, but also “to obtain potential blackmail information.” As? Have the teen tell you the details of sexual encounters. Or by filming them, as Ransome claims.

The affair risks threatening Trump's image again at the start of the Republican primaries, even though the tycoon has always survived the sex scandals unscathed. The new 17 documents released today – 327 pages in total – add to the avalanche of information that has emerged in recent days about Epstein's network of the rich and powerful. Among them was Prince Andrew, who spent “weeks” at his villa in Palm Beach, Florida, where the disgraced royal reportedly received massages “daily.” A girl identified only as Jane Doe 3 also accused the Duke of York of participating in an “orgy” with underage girls during one of his stays on Epstein's private island in the Caribbean.

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