Eric Duhaime, a drama queen? – Journal

If you haven’t spent the last few months in a cave, you know the controversy surrounding drag queens reading children’s stories.

Éric Duhaime himself gives us a great drama queen act with his online petition to protect our children from drag queens!

The drama queen is, by definition, a being who delights in melodrama.

Protect our children! ENFA!

Well, this is where our children are at the heart of Mr. Duhaime’s concern!

what a misfortune! Our poor children are “exposed” to drag queens.

As if our world hadn’t exposed them to much worse.

Quick, petition to stop this abomination!

Suffice it to say that Mr Duhaime is jubilant to find himself in all the stands.

By starting this witch hunt, we are distorting reality more than we are protecting children.

The Perverted Drift

It was enough for those who cultivate hatred to pour it out on this new target by accusing drag queens of pedophilia!

Frankly, if you look at the individuals who have recently been declared “dangerous offenders to be controlled,” you’ll find that they have pretty ordinary looks. Nothing from the painted drag queen.

They blend in perfectly with the crowd, which I think makes them more to be feared.

The drag queen will fire my gay kid?

I don’t know if straight teachers helped convert every gay student to heterosexuality.

Free our children!

But nobody drags our kids to these “cultural” activities with a drag queen.

Do you mind? All you have to do is deny your child participation, period!

Deep down, Mr. Duhaime knows full well that these clownish drag queens pose no serious threat to our children.

But there’s nothing like melodrama to take center stage and put you in the spotlight.

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