Escalation in Peru President deposed in custody Politics

Escalation in Peru: President deposed in custody Politics

8.12.2022 21:40 (act. 8.12.2022 21:50)

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo dissolves parliament

Peruvian President Pedro Castillo dissolves parliament ©APA/Peruvian Presidency

Peru’s judiciary has arrested President Pedro Castillo, who was ousted by parliament over an alleged coup attempt, initially for a limited period until Tuesday. This was announced by the Supreme Court after a hearing on Thursday via Twitter. Thus, Castillo is being investigated on suspicion of rebellion and conspiracy.

At the hearing, the former head of state gave only simple yes or no answers. His lawyer, former justice minister and cabinet minister Aníbal Torres, argued that Castillo was arbitrarily removed from the presidency.

The Public Ministry of the South American country accuses Castillo of violating the constitutional order. At the hearing, public prosecutor Marco Huamán argued that the arrest was necessary to determine who else participated in the alleged rebellion and to prevent Castillo from fleeing to another country.

By dissolving congress, the left-wing politician wanted to avoid a no-confidence vote in parliament – but both his own cabinet and the opposition sensed a coup d’état and allowed the former village school teacher to appear.

Castillo was arrested on Wednesday. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said the next day that he wanted to take refuge in the Mexican embassy. Mexico’s government was open to granting the ousted president asylum. In the meantime, former Vice President Dina Boluarte was sworn in as the South American country’s first head of state.