Espana Vaciada is speeding up the making of the lists

España Vaciada is speeding up the making of the lists in 12 provinces, the pace having been changed by the electoral advance

The Federation of Empty Spain is trying to establish itself

Achieving the inauguration in January 2020 was crucial for Pedro Sánchez. He even required special protection from the security forces after receiving threats over his propensity to support the socialist candidate. But today Tomás Guitarte, national spokesman for the Federation of Empty Spain and Teruel Exists’ only representative in Congress during the last legislature, has “virtually ruled out” a repeat of the July 23 general election as list leader at this point in time. His party took part in the second national elections and in the first for 11 other groups sponsored by this association, which work against the problems of uninhabited areas. Like the rest of the armed forces, the electoral push ordered by the current governor caught the leaders of empty Spain “off the cuff”. Although in his case the race to produce the lists is more complicated given its short existence and smaller organizational structure than most political parties.

The Federation of Empty Spain was formed in legislation last November, expressing its intention to seek implementation across the country. And since then, the formations of different territories have been working under their umbrella with a common goal: to address the issues related to depopulation from the institutions. The first litmus test was the regional and municipal elections on May 28, in which four municipalities, 13 provinces and 233 municipalities participated. The results were generally unsuccessful. In Aragón there were only Alegrías, where the Aragón-Teruel Existe coalition entered the Cortes with three seats and Guitarte as a candidate.

According to sources in his cabinet, it is precisely this regional seat that deprives Guitarte of an opportunity to once again become number one in Congress. Although they are “satisfied” with the revenues obtained for Teruel and Aragon as national deputies, they underline from the outset the difficulties of later transferring these advantages obtained in the Lower House to the Aragonese reality, because of the “retaining wall” that, in their opinion, goes the autonomous government assumes – because many of the laws need to be applied in the community -. And that’s why Guitarte would rather focus his efforts on the Aragonese Parliament at this point. Within the Existe Coalition – made up of Teruel Existe, Aragón Existe and España Vaciada for the general elections on June 23 – the assemblies and assemblies are rushing these days to make a decision on this and will announce it to the leaders of the coalition at the end of the week admit. right on the border that marks the calendar: next June 19th.

Finally, Empty Spain will be represented in the general elections in 12 constituencies: Salamanca, Palencia, León, Valladolid, Asturias, Toledo and La Rioja; in Soria, the Soria ¡YA! be; while in Teruel, Zaragoza and Huesca the Aragón-Teruel Existe coalition is elected and in Burgos together with the Castilian Tierra Comunera party. In the province of Cuenca, where Empty Spain gathered nine councilors in different town halls on March 28, they have decided not to run for Congress. “In each area, they have made the decision as to whether they want to take the step. Then the party federation met, and there each territory stated what it wanted. Cuenca did not present itself due to the electoral advantage and the wear and tear of the autonomists,” emphasize sources from the association.

Soria ¡YA!, the party with the most votes in last year’s Castile and León provincial elections, preferred not to run in the municipal elections on 28-M to save forces for the general elections, which then were scheduled for the end of the year. Having accelerated the electoral lead and, like other formations in empty Spain, exhibiting more tenuous organic structures than those of other, more enduring parties, they are now rushing to nominate their list leader to Congress. Asturias, which operated under the SOS Asturias brand, announced Monday that it would change its name to Asturias Existe, with Raquel L. Murias as the candidate. Almería has not spoken. And Jaén deserves more, which holds the key to government in its city council, although opts for 23-J, but outside the federation.

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In recent days, the new formations have also mobilized to collect the necessary signatures to be able to participate. Because they are new candidates, they need 0.1% of voters’ signatures before June 19. In Valladolid, Asturias, Toledo and La Rioja, collection of guarantees is more complicated due to the larger number of census takers in their constituency.

At the moment, Exists and Soria are NOW! According to the polls, they are capable of winning seats. “Representation is only guaranteed where the brands are bundled,” explains the 40dB analyst. Carlos Dominguez. “In Teruel, if he got the results of the municipal results, he would get his deputy. If they were close to the result of the regional elections in Soria, they could even get two,” Domínguez adds. However, the analyst warns that the polarized situation caused by blockades in which the next elections will take place could dampen their expectations. Of course, in the other provinces, they could take votes away from the big parties, especially the left-wing forces. “That will be very relevant,” stresses Domínguez. “It’s about letting the project continue to grow in each area,” said Inmaculada Sáenz, España Vaciada coordinator, on Saturday, “to provide opportunities, resources and services to people living in the most depopulated, abandoned and forgotten areas live.” Institutions”.

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