1660070117 Esquadrilha da Fumaca performs at the opening of the courses

Esquadrilha da Fumaça performs at the opening of the courses at the São Carlos Campus of the IFSP São Carlos Agora

Esquadrilha da Fumaça performs at the opening of the courses at the IFSP São Carlos Campus  Credit: Photo: Ten.  Marcus Lemos/FAB Photo credit: Photo: Lt. Marcus Lemos/FAB

The São Carlos Campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP) celebrates on August 12 the opening of new courses in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation Maintenance Technician in the Motopropeller Group. The celebration will include a presentation by the Smoke Squadron, which will fly over campus for approximately 40 minutes.

The new courses offer young people and adults more training opportunities and thus qualified jobs in the region in a region that is becoming a hub for Brazilian aviation. For Professor Érico Felipe Bruschi, aviation professionals are “Professionals of the World” because their qualified activity enables them to work not only in different regions of Brazil but also in different countries in all parts of the world.

With a large hangar equipped with several laboratories necessary for the practical qualification of the students, IFSP professors offer theoretical and practical courses in which scenarios for aviation experiences are created very close to the market in an environment of daily reality in workshops and maintenance centers will.

The courses, offered free of charge, are recognized by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) and the Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture (Crea). Students have at their disposal a quality physical structure and faculty with a high level of academic preparation and work experience in the civil aviation market.


The presentation of the Esquadrilha da Fumaça to mark the start of the new IFSP courses starts at 1 p.m. and is open to all interested parties. The action is supported by the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and the City of São Carlos.

For the demonstration flight, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) Smoke Squadron will use seven Embraer A29 Super Tucano aircraft, each manned by one pilot. An eighth pilot remains on the ground to comment on the approximately 50 maneuvers performed. The Embraer A29 Super Tucano was adopted by the Esquadrilha da Fumaça in 2015. The aircraft has already been used by the FAB, conducting air defense missions, advanced training, light attack, escort, air patrol and combat aviation leader training. Safety at demonstrations is an ongoing concern for the squadron, so strict safety protocols are followed.

After the presentation of the season, the students of the new IFSP courses will be welcomed by Rector Silmário Batista dos Santos.

new courses

The specialist course in aviation maintenance in a propulsion group is offered in the accompanying and subsequent modalities of the high school, ie for students who have completed the 2nd school. , no matter how long ago. The twoyear main objective is to train professionals who will carry out and technically guide the preparation, documentation and implementation of preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance of aircraft according to the technical standards of manuals and national and international regulatory bodies.

Érico Felipe Bruschi, coordinator of the degree, emphasizes that the technician offers a quick career change for those who are already on the job market and want to enter the aviation sector and that it is a promising career for young people entering the profession course during high school. “The aviation job market is expanding rapidly with selfpiloted commercial drones carrying passengers and serviced by aviation maintenance professionals,” he reveals. Traditional aviation is also expected to grow next year if the postpandemic economic recovery scenario continues, Érico points out, highlighting the existence of two aviation giants in the São Carlos region: Latam and Embraer, “who are big consumers of aviation.” ‘ he quotes.

Another very attractive market in aviation is the agricultural market, which is growing and requires skilled workers, also in other Brazilian states. “We say that the profession of aircraft mechanic is a global profession. In addition to several regions of Brazil with a shortage of these professionals, there are countries like the United States that are making the entry of Brazilian aviation professionals more flexible to meet the demand of the domestic market.” According to the professor, in addition to the United States, Canada, Portugal, Germany, the European Union and the United Arab Emirates recruit Brazilian aircraft maintenance mechanics.

Salaries are attractive. Today, a newly graduated professional in Brazil has a starting salary of between two and three thousand reais, while a chief mechanic has an average salary of eight thousand, but this amount tends to increase due to high demand and skill shortages, Erico observes.

And those who are already working as car mechanics can also do well in aviation, the professor warns, because the course covers all the fundamentals of engines. On the other hand, the course is also open to those who like motorization but have doubts about the field of aviation. “They can search for us and are provided with knowledge to work in different areas,” he concludes.

The Aeronautical Engineering graduate degree lasts five years (10 semesters) and is designed to prepare the student to work in all phases of the aeronautical project; enable to plan and manage aircraft maintenance processes and procedures in the areas of airframe, engine and avionics; facilitating the management of works and services related to aeronautical infrastructure; Fostering a culture of quality among students to ensure operational efficiency and most importantly safety in all aeronautical activities; qualify to work on contemporary themes and in line with the novelties created by new technologies.

The coordinator of the aeronautical engineering course, José Antônio Garcia Croce, whose classes began in March this year, explains that the opening of the course aims to continue one of the foundations that guided the implementation of the campus, namely the offer of professional training in the aeronautical field. “We intend to meet the growing demand for professionals in the region, mainly aeronautical engineers, as the city of São Carlos consolidates as one of the hubs in the aeronautical field in Brazil, both from an academic and a business point of view,” he observes.

José Antônio completes the list of airlines in the region: “We have Latam Technological Maintenance Center, Airship do Brasil and Opto Space & Defense, in addition to companies in the emerging unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) market such as Xmobots. Near the city, in Gavião Peixoto, there are the facilities of the Embraer company and its suppliers, a great demand for aeronautical engineers”.

more courses

The IFSP São Carlos Campus also offers other courses related to aviation: Aeronautical Maintenance Technician in Cell, Aircraft Maintenance Technician in Avionics and Aircraft Maintenance Technology. The director of the Câmpus São Carlos, Rivelli da Silva Pinto, emphasizes that with the inaugurations, the unit “reaches its maturity in this training axis, training technicians in the three areas of aviation maintenance: airframe, engines and avionics and the training verticalizes with the Degree in aeronautical engineering.

The Aeronautical Engineering course offered 40 study places for the first semester of 2022 via a selection process based on the Enem grade. Offers for the course are annual. The technical course Aeronautical Maintenance in a Motopropeller Group, on the other hand, offered 40 positions for the 2nd semester 2022 through selection with a test.

New positions will be advertised in the first semester of 2023. All courses are free.

Learn more about the courses at scl.ifsp.edu.br.

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