1654815613 Ethiopia hosts the East African Arts and Culture Festival Al

Ethiopia hosts the East African Arts and Culture Festival Al Mayadeen English

Dances, paintings, installations and various shows will present the peculiarities of the folklore of African nations.

  • Ethiopia hosts East African cultural festival
    Ethiopia hosts East African cultural festival

That East African Arts and Culture Festival It begins next Tuesday in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, and ends on June 18, according to the African country’s culture and sports ministry.

Through a notice published on its official website, the cabinet, a member of the organizing committee, announced that delegations from 13 nations will arrive in the city to attend an event “Projected as a platform to promote integration in the region”.

In this sense, demeke mekonnenDeputy Prime Minister of the African country stressed the need to change the image of the regions through the exploitation of arts and cultural resources.

During the festival, the website’s text adds, “dances, paintings, installations and various shows will represent the peculiarities of the folklore of these nations, as well as traditions, forms or rituals that are repeated in different areas of East Africa.”

friendship place will be the main venue, although art and culture will also reach other parts of the city “where there will be a great opportunity to amplify that ongoing efforts towards a united Africa”, concludes the official information.