EU advises on handling inflows from China Salzburger.029

EU advises on handling inflows from China Salzburger

On Wednesday (3pm), EU states will continue their deliberations on a joint response to the massive corona wave in China. According to the EU Commission, representatives of national health ministries had already agreed on a “coordinated approach” on Tuesday. The vast majority of EU countries therefore support corona testing before leaving China for the EU.

SN/APA/dpa/Sina Schuldt Are there EU-wide corona tests for Chinese travelers?

EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides wrote on Twitter after the meeting that measures such as pre-departure testing and increased monitoring of wastewater were closer. However, several EU countries have recently tightened China’s entry rules on their own initiative. In France, for example, PCR tests will be mandatory upon arrival. Austria wants to examine wastewater from flights from China. And Spain has introduced the 3G rule – so travelers from China must be vaccinated, tested or recovered.

Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) demanded mandatory testing upon entry from China in an ORF interview with “Vienna Today” on Tuesday night. It is known that many people who come from China are infected with Corona. There is therefore a great risk, especially among unvaccinated people, that the virus will spread again. “So one should act in a timely manner and not wait and see as in the past,” said Ludwig. Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) did not consider any regulations necessary on Monday. However, he advocated for concerted EU action on this issue.

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  • Tuesday, January 3, 2023 9:35 pm

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