EU summit winter aid for Ukraine migration and Schengen

EU summit: winter aid for Ukraine, migration and Schengen

At their expected last summit in Brussels in 2022, EU heads of state and government, including Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), will discuss a wide range of topics on Thursday.

The war in Ukraine and high energy prices are up for debate. In the dispute over a ceiling for the price of gas in the EU, the fronts hardened. The topic of migration, which Austria is pushing, could cause discussions – also because Bulgaria and Romania want to discuss blocked access to Schengen.

Humanitarian aid to Ukraine

In addition to discussing more military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, the meeting will also address relations with the US. The transatlantic relationship is weighed down by a US subsidy program worth billions because subsidy rules in the EU are seen as discriminatory and distorting competition. When it comes to energy, the dispute over a European gas price cap could flare up again. The responsible ministers have not been able to reach an agreement so far, also because of resistance from Germany.

Unlike usual, the summit is scheduled for just one day. According to the dpa, however, diplomats expect this to last until late Friday night.