EU warns China It cannot support Russia

EU warns China: ‘It cannot support Russia’

The EU is urging China to change course towards Russia in a virtual summit. In the conflict in Ukraine, China is giving political support to the Moscow government. However, the People’s Republic has announced that it will organize peace talks “in its own way”.

At a virtual summit, senior European Union officials warned the Chinese leadership against supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. “No European citizen would understand if there was any support for Russia’s ability to wage war,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday after talks with China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang and State and Party leader Xi Jinping, organized by videoconference.

“That would damage China’s reputation here in Europe.” The country also has a special responsibility as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Indirectly, von der Leyen also threatened China with consequences for close economic relations. “It is clear that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a turning point not only for our continent, but also for our relationship with the rest of the world,” she said.

EU Council President Charles Michel also made a clear statement. “We ask China to help end the war in Ukraine,” he said. “China cannot ignore Russia’s violation of international law.”

EU urges China to change course

At the summit, the EU called on China to use its influence over Russia to stop the war in Ukraine. “The international community, and specifically China and the EU, have a responsibility to use their combined influence and diplomacy to end the Russian war in Ukraine and the related humanitarian crisis,” Michel tweeted.

Xi Jinping: EU must withdraw from US influence

China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping, on the other hand, expressed his hope that the EU would avoid US influence in Chinese politics. According to state television, after his talks with EU leaders, Xi Jinping said China expects the European side to “have an independent perception of China and pursue an independent policy towards China”.

The president of China pointed out that the corona pandemic was ongoing, the global economy was struggling, and then there was the crisis in Ukraine. In these circumstances, China and Europe, as major world powers, markets and civilizations, must intensify communication and play a constructive role in their relations and in the major issues of peace and development in the world to create stabilizing factors in a turbulent period, he said. . he was quoted as telling state television.

According to experts, Beijing fears that the war in Ukraine will bring Europeans and Americans even closer together. The relationship between the US and China is at its lowest point since diplomatic relations were established in 1979. Both sides have been embroiled in a trade war for years. Other points of contention, similar to those of Europeans regarding China, are the persecution of the Uighurs and Tibetans, the suppression of opposition in Hong Kong or the Chinese saber towards free Taiwan.

In addition, Beijing accuses the United States of preventing its rise in the world and wanting to contain its growing influence. According to observers, one of the main reasons China still lags behind Russia, despite the atrocities in the Ukraine war, is the hope that it can continue to join forces with its “strategic partner” in the future against the US rivals.

China is ‘in its own way’ promoting peace talks

Despite its political support for Russia, China wants to work for peace in Ukraine with Europeans and the international community, according to Prime Minister Li Keqiang. According to Chinese sources, the prime minister said on Friday after the talks that China was promoting peace talks “in its own way”.

His country is working with the EU and the world and wants to “play a constructive role in easing the situation, ending hostilities, averting a major humanitarian catastrophe and restoring peace soon.” China is committed to sovereignty and territorial integrity, fundamental norms in international relations and conflict resolution “through dialogue and negotiations,” Li Keqiang said, according to China’s Foreign Ministry.

The Russian-Ukrainian war is putting enormous strain on relations between Brussels and Beijing and is also overshadowing the EU-China virtual summit, which was originally created as a conference on trade issues and the climate crisis.

The leadership in Beijing has not yet condemned the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. Externally, China offers itself as a neutral mediator, but state media largely follows the Russian line and is primarily critical of the US and NATO.

China against “block division and partisanship”

The head of the department responsible for relations with Europe at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Lutong, wrote on Twitter that Brussels and Beijing agreed to “work together to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in the world”. On Ukraine, Li said, “China rejects both a hot war and a cold war.” China is fundamentally against “blocking and partisanship.”

China is the EU’s biggest trading partner. Relations between the two sides had already cooled before the war in Ukraine, in part because of Western sanctions against Beijing for discrimination against the Uighurs. However, the EU has so far avoided threatening sanctions against China if it officially supports Russia in the war against Ukraine.

The EU hopes that the leadership in Beijing is aware of the importance of the EU as an economic partner. In 2021, goods worth around €700 billion were traded between China and the 27 EU countries – making the EU by far China’s most important trading partner. Russia doesn’t even appear on the list of China’s top ten trading partners.

Instead, the US ranks second after the EU and has even threatened China with sanctions in case of clear material support from Russia. Punitive measures should be imposed, especially if Chinese companies or banks circumvent US sanctions against Russia.

Recently, Russia and China have repeatedly emphasized their close partnership. During a visit by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to China on Thursday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that “Sino-Russian cooperation” is “boundless”.
