European Union Apple is backwards adapting to the new

European Union | Apple is backwards adapting to the new regulation of digital markets – La Presse

(Paris) Apple announced on Thursday that it would make changes to its iOS operating system, its Safari browser and its App Store application store within the European Union effective March, reluctantly complying with the new regulation of digital markets Digital Markets Act (DMA), which will then come into force.

Posted at 4:38 p.m.


Specifically, from the release of version 17.4 of iOS on their famous iPhone or iPad, developers will be able to offer alternative app stores verified by Apple.

The solutions developed by the Apple brand will no longer be the only payment options, especially contactless payments.

And when users first open Safari, they can choose their browser from a list of competitors. Previously, you had to go to the settings to make this change.

These changes come with new pricing conditions for developers.

“The changes we are announcing today are consistent with the requirements of the European Union’s Digital Markets Act, while helping to protect EU users from the inevitable increased privacy and security threats that this regulation brings,” argues Phil Schiller, vice president of marketing at Apple. quoted in a press release criticizing the DMA.

“Even if these guarantees exist, many risks remain,” adds the Cupertino group, whose security is one of the most important marketing arguments. In his opinion, he also regrets a “less intuitive user experience”.

Apple, like five other digital giants – Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Microsoft and China's ByteDance (TikTok) – will be subject to the DMA from March 7, which introduces stricter rules to curb anti-competitive practices the EU.

Companies that violate the regulations face fines of up to 20% of their global sales if they repeat their violations, and in the most serious cases even dismantling measures.

The legislation is the subject of legal challenges, particularly from Meta and TikTok.