quotEven if you die it39s worth itquot Donald Trump39s call

"Even if you die, it's worth it": Donald Trump's call to vote for the Iowa caucus

The former President of the United States invites his supporters to brave the freezing cold of Iowa and vote this Monday, January 15, in the Republican Party primaries, in which Donald Trump is more favorite than ever.

The Republican primaries in the race for the White House begin this Monday in the United States with the caucus in Iowa, in the north of the country. “You have to go to the caucus tomorrow… You can’t stay home,” Donald Trump, who wants to become president again in November 2024, warned his supporters.

“If you're sick as a dog… Even if you show up to vote and die, it's worth it,” the former White House tenant said.

The sequence discovered by our colleagues from the American parliamentary broadcaster C-Span quickly spread on social networks.

Because if he is the ultra-favorite in the Republican primaries, Donald Trump will submit to the votes of his party's members for the first time since 2020. His result will therefore be a good indicator of the support he has in the country.

Leading in the polls

But at the last minute, an unknown factor upsets the favorite's equation: the cold. A snowstorm is hitting all of Iowa and the thermometer is expected to drop below -20°C and the roads are icy by the time of voting.

Will Donald Trump's voters, confident of his victory, vote under these conditions? “When my car wants to come out of the garage!” laughed 37-year-old Jeff Nikolas to AFP. For this trucker who drove out to buy a heater, only Donald Trump is capable of “putting an end to all the crap that’s happening in the world.”

Of the five candidates running against Donald Trump, two appear to have a chance of blocking him: Nikki Haley, the only woman in the race and the new darling of the right, and Ron DeSantis, the ultra-conservative governor of Florida.

Donald Trump would be well ahead in Iowa at 48%, ahead of Nikki Haley at 20% and Ron DeSantis at 16%, according to a recent authoritative poll released Saturday.

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