Events with Michelle in the USA will take place quotmeet

Events with Michelle in the USA will take place "meet and greet" for $110

Former First Lady and Senator Damares Alves will give four lectures in the country; The meeting is part of the global conservative women's movement

Former First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro and Senator Damares Alves (RepublicanosDF) will take part in a lecture series on female leadership in the United States in February.

The events take place in Florida (Orlando and Pompano Bech), Georgia (Atlanta) and Massachusetts (Boston), all in Protestant churches. Ticket prices rise to US$110 (approximately R$540). The highest price guarantees a “Meet & Greet”, i.e. a meeting and a short conversation with the speakers.

For the Power360Damares said that this is not a partisan event, but an invitation from the Brazilian Christian community and conservative women living in the United States.

According to the congresswoman, the trip is part of a global movement of conservative women that is also being launched in other countries. He mentioned that there were invitations to Portugal, Switzerland, Argentina and Italy.

Meeting of the protagonists

The meeting of the protagonists is organized by the businesswomen Fernanda Poleza and Faby Sampaio, who will also take part.

The event is divided into 4 sessions with different topics. Each speaker will speak in the following panels:

  • Michelle Bolsonaro “Authentic leadership”. The First Lady is described as a “tireless leader and reference in authenticity”;
  • Damares Alves “Protagonism beyond borders”. The senator is portrayed as an “ardent defender of human rights”;
  • Fabiana Sampaio “Build your way to the top”; It is
  • Fernanda Poleza “Awaken the inner protagonist”.

There are three different types of tickets for the meeting.

  • cheapest costs $45, plus an $8 fee and tax. Added together, the values ​​correspond to around R$260.
  • the agent ​​costs $65, plus $10.84 in fees and taxes. Added together, the values ​​correspond to around R$372. The ticket guarantees a premium seat before the general gates open.
  • the most expensive costs $95, plus a $15 fee and tax. Added together, the prices amount to around R$110. In addition to premium seats, the ticket includes access to a meeting with the speakers and a copy of Damares' book “Everything Begins in Childhood.”

The lectures take place on:

  • Pompano Bech (Florida) at 1st Baptist Church (PIB) on February 12;
  • Orlando Florida) at the God Ministry Sowers of Good News meeting on February 13;
  • Atlanta, Georgia) on February 15 at the Ministry of Semeadores de Boas Novas;
  • Boston, Massachusetts) in the TDM Church on February 16th.