Everyone crazy about FantaSanremo 50000 subscribers in three hours Last

Everyone crazy about FantaSanremo: 50,000 subscribers in three hours. Last, Mengoni and Giorgia the most popular singers

This noon, December 27th, the FantaSanremo has opened the registrations in view of the planned 2023 edition of the Italian Song Festival from February 7th to 11th Come. The game consisting of organizing and managing virtual teams formed by five of the competing artists (one of whom must necessarily be chosen as captain) immediately absorbed, in the words of one of its founders, Giacomo Piccinini, «a result that exceeds all possible expectations». In fact, they registered for FantaSanremo in just three hours over 50,000 teams: a sum equal to the total number of registrations in the 2021 edition. Last year the total number of registrations was at the start of the festival 500,000, also thanks to the relaunch of many singers in the competition. A participation that is likely to be repeated again this year, considering that many of the big names in the race are already interacting with fans on the subject.

Registrations will be closed the night before Start of the Festival (February 6th): From this moment on, the points each player earns or loses depend on what the artists they have chosen for the team will do on stage. It will be necessary to choose carefully how to spend the starting cash, which consists of “100 baudi” (the exchange currency to which one is entitled). Goofy Baudo). In fact, each member of the team corresponds to an exact offer. Currently, fantasy quotes are leading Last which ‘costs’ 27 baudi followed by Marco Mengoni quotes 26 Baudi, ab Georgia with 25 baud and from elodies with 24 baud. Tananai, Lazza, Madame and Paola & Chiara are all worth 22 baudi. At number 21 are I Cugini di Campagna, Article 31, Ariete, Lda and Mara Sattei. ‘Costano’ 20 Baudi Gianluca Grignani, Colapesce Dimartino, Coma Cose and Levante. Baudi Mr. Rain and Rosa Chemical will follow at 7 p.m. Leo Gassmann and the Modà at 18 Baudi, Anna Oxa, Gianmaria and Shari at 17 Baudi. Four 16 Baudi-listed artists complete the circle: Colla Zio, Olly, Sethu and Will.

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