1700466194 Everyone is proud of Marc Antoine Dequoy

Everyone is proud of Marc-Antoine Dequoy!

HAMILTON – Marc-Antoine Dequoy’s large family is united. And no matter how the Gray Cup final ended, she would leave the weekend with lasting memories.

“It’s crazy! “He listened to the Alouettes when he was young and now it’s him who is there and his whole family accompanies him,” said Victoria Routhier, the girlfriend of Alouettes player Marc-Antoine Dequoy, on Sunday as part of the meeting that took place in the evening Hamilton. I spoke to him before the game and he was so happy that we were there.

• Also read: Here are 12 things you should know about the Gray Cup final between the Alouettes and the Blue Bombers

“It cannot be described how proud I am of him,” she added. Win or lose, he’s living a little guy’s dream and has been through ups and downs before getting there, especially after his mother’s death. “She’s there somewhere, protecting us.”

Everyone is proud of Marc-Antoine Dequoy!

Photo Benoit Rioux

Marc-Antoine Dequoy could count on the presence of his girlfriend, but also his father Vincent, his brother Laurent, his in-laws, uncles, aunts and cousins. There were more than fifteen.

“We know that she is there in one way or another, maybe not physically but mentally,” confirmed Laurent Dequoy, the player’s brother, speaking of her mother Carloann Grilli, who died of “cancer” in September 2022 Mom, I know it’s helpful for him and that he’s using that energy wisely.”

“I know my sister is smiling so much right now,” her Aunt Josée added. It must be incredible for her to see her boy where he is today. Marc-Antoine knows how to have a positive impact on the world.”

The man he becomes…

Dad Vincent was also proud of his boy, wearing his Alouettes jersey but also a button made in his son’s honor.

“I am very, very proud of him and I tell him so,” said the father of number 24. “I always knew he was an athlete, but he is also the man he is becoming.”

Everyone is proud of Marc-Antoine Dequoy!

Photo Benoit Rioux

“Part of me is not surprised by what he is doing today, but that doesn’t change my pride,” added his brother Laurent, noting that Marc-Antoine was always good at various sports. He gets everything he deserves. I have a smile on my face every time I go somewhere and hear his name.”

The best Canadian player?

The Alouettes player was in the running for the title of best Canadian player in the CFL earlier this week. Dequoy, winner of the East Section title, was defeated by West representative Brady Oliveira of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

“In our hearts he is the best Canadian player,” said his friend Victoria, smiling on behalf of all the family members.

An early Christmas present for cousins

HAMILTON – Marc-Antoine Dequoy gave his cousins ​​an early Christmas present: each a ticket to the Gray Cup final.

“It’s really a great experience,” remarked Jonathan Noel-de-Tilly, who obviously wanted a win for the Alouettes. We are so close as a family that it was Marc who paid for the tickets for us. This is his early Christmas present to us.”

“We had dinner with him last week, he offered us the tickets and we obviously freed ourselves,” explained Alexandre Croisetière.

The cousin trio was completed by Philippe Croisetière. There’s only Cousin Maxime, Jonathan’s brother, who had to stay home after robbing a tourist on his way back from a trip to Mexico.

Everyone is proud of Marc-Antoine Dequoy!

Jonathan Noel-de-Tilly, Philippe Croisetière and Alexandre Croisetière, cousins ​​of Marc-Antoine Dequoy, met at their hotel in Hamilton on Sunday November 19th. Photo Benoit Rioux

“We have supported Marc-Antoine since he was a child, we are a very close family,” said Josée Grilli, Marc-Antoine’s aunt and mother of Jonathan and Maxime. We encourage each other, we are intense, we are Italian… We are incredibly proud of him because he is someone who always gives 100%.

Behind “Bam-bam”

After chatting a bit more with his aunts, we learned that the Alouettes player was nicknamed “Bam-bam,” like Arthur Laroche’s son in the Flintstones.

“All credit goes to my parents [NDLR : les grands-parents de Marc-Antoine]“They are the ones who have created this family unit and we see it especially with the cousins, they are so close to each other,” commented Josée again, to Jacques and Odette Grilli, who were unable to make the trip and continued to listen to the game On television, everyone wore a jersey with the number 24. For us uncles and aunts, they are all our children. Marc-Antoine is the son of my late sister, but he is also like my child.”

Bet on your cousin

While attending a game in Hamilton, the three cousins ​​brightened their evening by betting that Dequoy would throw an interception that would be returned for a touchdown.

“If he hits a number 6, we will be rich because we bet on it,” Jonathan informed. We also put a few bucks at 91 to 1 that he would be the MVP.”

The cousins ​​promised to give Marc-Antoine a nice Christmas present if he won a bet.