Everyone is talking about it even after 20 years –

Everyone is talking about it, even after 20 years – Le Soleil

That’s exactly what the presenter did on Sunday evening for the season premiere on ICI Télé, in the presence of guest co-host Pierre-Yves Lord, who felt very comfortable in this seat, a week after Gémeaux.

And we can say that Sunday’s show lived up to its title.

Stéphan Bureau did not intend to use the platform of Tout le monde en parole to vent his heart about the abrupt end of Le Monde à l’envers on TVA.

As the first guest of the season, he essentially repeated what he had already said on the subject, except that the show’s producer worked hard so that the members of the team who were out of work could find work elsewhere, which worried him .

Pierre Karl Péladeau didn’t call him personally the afternoon he learned of the end of his show, but apologized afterwards “more twice than once,” he said.

No, his team was not silenced and yes, they enjoyed all sorts of editorial freedom; The reasons for this decision are purely financial.

Aware of the circumstances, the host and members of the team agreed to reduce their salaries for the second season.

Stéphan Bureau comments on American politics on the French channel BFMTV, which will lead him to spend a lot of time in Paris.

He also films episodes of his podcast “Contact,” which he calls “No Cash,” notably with Fanny Ardant and Yann Perreau. He will return to Télé-Québec this fall with two major interviews, including one with Georges St-Pierre.

Martin Matte will host his new talk show on TVA on Thursday.

“I’m sure you’ll be on the air on Thursday! » joked Stéphan Bureau when Martin Matte showed up on set.

The comedian will host his new talk show Martin Matte live on TVA this evening, with Patrick Huard as the first guest.

Funnily enough, we showed an excerpt from his very first appearance on Tout le monde en parole on December 5, 2004, when he was alongside Patrick Huard.

Martin Matte, 53, says it “takes a certain maturity” to have your own talk show and that he is now “less afraid of being vulnerable”. He starts with a 10-show contract.

Monia Chokri, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau and Pierre-Yves Cardinal from the film <em>Simple as Sylvain</em>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/8wgYw0BBytGFbY8eRlLtHnhT_fQ=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east- 1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/J2QBQGI62VDITD3UOJZYEOTHBU.jpeg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Monia Chokri, Magalie Lépine-Blondeau and Pierre-Yves Cardinal from the film Simple comme Sylvain. (Karine Dufour)

Knowing that barely 6% of people marry someone from a different social class, the film Simple comme Sylvain explores the difficulties faced by these rarer couples.

When they are alone, everything is fine; It only gets worse when they immerse themselves in each other’s surroundings, explains director and screenwriter Monia Chokri, who also stars in her film.

In the numerous sex scenes she wanted to suggest rather than show. “If there is nudity [à l’écran]“I don’t see the characters anymore, I just see naked people,” she adds.

Since the film was very positively received in France, especially with a seven-minute ovation in Cannes, Pierre-Yves Cardinal is considered “the Canadian lumberjack”, a reaction that makes Monia Chokri smile but still maintains curiosity about works of art.

Screenwriter and director Mara Joly has long hated the whiteness of her skin.

I’m pleased we can talk about the excellent series After the Flood, which only attracted 80,000 viewers on Noovo on Thursday night.

Born to an African-American mother and a white father, writer-director Mara Joly has long hated the whiteness of her skin. She grew up in several countries in Africa and Europe before returning to Quebec.

“When I was very young, I identified as a black person. […] When I was about 11 years old, I saw my reflection in a window and thought it was a drug addict [un Blanc] in the city,” she says, feeling like that was the moment she realized she was white.

Mara Joly understands that her comments on the Oil on the Fire radio show – “I don’t think you can love white people in Africa” ​​- may have provoked strong reactions.

“I spoke from the perspective of a child in the 90s. […] The question confused me,” she admitted.

According to Annie Pullen Sansfaçon, the rejection of mixed toilets in schools could lead to an increase in attack rates.

There is nothing worse than ignorance. Annie Pullen Sansfaçon, Canada Research Chair in Transgender Children and Their Families, emphasizes the importance of discussing sex education early in life, which includes gender identity, a sensitive topic if ever there was one. is a.

“Check out the program, it’s available online,” she told the reluctant parents.

The professor reminds that parental support is essential. “Parental support is the most important protective factor for trans and non-binary young people,” she said, claiming that such support can reduce suicide rates by 93%.

Toilets and locker rooms are where most attacks on young trans and non-binary people take place. According to Annie Pullen Sansfaçon, the rejection of mixed toilets in schools could lead to an increase in attack rates.

She invites the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, to consult the team of 18 researchers interested in young transsexuals. “We are really well prepared,” she remembers.

At the end of the show we celebrated the career of Laurent Duvernay-Tardif.

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, who has just announced his retirement from professional football, must complete 18 months as a junior doctor before receiving his medical qualification.

“Can we get in line? [comme patient]? » asked Guy A. jokingly, who is certainly not the only one who thought of it!

As endearing as ever, Duvernay-Tardif received a hero’s welcome at the end of the show.

After 71 games in the NFL and two concussions, he is aware of the toll his years in the sport have taken on his body.

“I know I burned the candle at both ends,” he agrees, while also admitting that the sacrifice was worth it.

My colleagues at Information Coops will take turns in this 20th season to bring you a report on Tout le monde enttalk every Sunday evening.