Evgueny Prigojine the head of the Wagner group from Ukraine

Evgueny Prigojine, the head of the Wagner group, from Ukraine to African back kitchens


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War between Ukraine and RussiaFILEThe former thug close to Vladimir Putin, the businessman who admitted to being the creator of the mercenary company, is stepping out of the shadows to plant his pawns in eastern Ukraine. It also supports the coups in Africa and in particular the recent one in Burkina Faso.

“I salute and support Captain Ibrahim Traoré. […] On January 24, Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba took power in the country under the auspices of the struggle for freedom and justice. However, he could not live up to the trust of the young officers, who eventually joined Captain Ibrahim Traore. And now they did what was necessary, and they did it only for the good of their people.” This is the message published on September 30 on social networks by Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigoyine. But who is he to welcome a military coup in a distant African country in his own name? What role could this gray henchman of the Vladimir Putin regime have played in recent developments in Burkina Faso?

“Since the beginning of the year and the first coup, interest in Burkina, one of the countries where Prigojine wants to settle, has been growing. But Damiba had always been reserved. We saw messages on many fake accounts a few months ago attacking him, he was being targeted. We know that there are infiltration attempts that favor a rapprochement with Russia,” explains C…