Examination of the application documents 1st stage 15 rejections

Examination of the application documents / 1st stage: 15 rejections, 3 validated, Me Elhadj Diouf in the catch up phase, Sonko is waiting… Examination of the application documents / 1st stage: 15 rejections, 3 validated, Me Elhadj Diouf in the catch up phase, Sonko is waiting… DakarActu

After the draw carried out yesterday, the Sponsorship Control Commission, composed of members of the Constitutional Council, the head of the registry, the administrative and technical staff of the Constitutional Council, representatives of the Autonomous National Electoral Commission (CENA) and independent personalities, began this Saturday with the Control of files and sponsorships. The exercise took place in the Constitutional Council and, in a first phase, concerned the candidate Boubacar Camara, who also validated his file. Cheikh Aguibou Soumaré, Amadou Aly Kane and Ousmane Kane were declared invalid. For the first two, the invalidation is linked to sponsorship. As for the latter, he did not deposit any deposit with the admission and delivery office. Papa Eugène Barbier, head of the Kepaaru Askanwi African Network, also had an incomplete file. Me Elhadj Diouf, President of the “Elhadj Diouf President 2024” coalition, has currently confirmed 40,440 sponsorships. It had 8,531 external duplicates. However, external duplicates must be corrected within 48 hours. Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Dieye, coordinator of “Avenir Sénégal Binu Bëgg” (13th on the list), is the second to confirm her sponsorship after Boubacar Camara. The leader of the PRP, Déthié Fall, also received his ticket confirming his sponsorship.

The sponsorship files of Malick Gueye, Mamadou Sambou and Mamadou Yatassaye could not be verified because the candidates submitted “electronic sponsorship files in a format other than the format provided by the Interior Ministry,” estimated the Constitutional Council in its press release prepared after the checks this Saturday. It should also be noted that Ousmane Sonko's application documents could not be verified due to the agent's absence. “I, Ciré Clédor, would have felt uncomfortable.” The candidate El Hadji Ibrahima Mbow withdrew from the race.

Candidates Mouhamed El Habib toukara, Rose Wardini, Cheikh tidiane Gadio and Mohameh Ben Omar Sy Diop, Papa Macodou Diouf, Mary Teuw Niane, Abdoulaye Sylla, Samba Ndiaye and Aminata Assome Diatta were also declared invalid. However, candidate Mouhamed El Habib Tounkara withdrew, as did Elhadj Ibrahima Mbow.

At the end of the control procedures, each candidate or candidate representative received the report on the results of the control of his sponsorship file and a USB stick with all rejected sponsorships, sorted by the reason for rejection.