1690051392 EXCLUSIVE Kidnapped social worker sets off fireworks to sound alarm

EXCLUSIVE: Kidnapped social worker sets off fireworks to sound alarm as homicidal and suicidal mother kills her baby and two young children in next room

A kidnapped social worker set off fireworks in a garage to draw people’s attention to a mother who was murdering her baby and two young children in an adjoining room.

The unidentified social worker arrived at Brandy McCaslin’s home in Verdigris, Oklahoma Thursday night to pick up McCaslin’s 11-year-old daughter, Noa.

But when she got there, McCaslin put a gun to her head, locked her in a garage, and shot dead Noe and her two sons – six-year-old Bryce and ten-month-old Billy. She then turned the gun on herself and took her own life.

Locals said they saw fireworks inside the property at the time, which has since been told because the social worker was trying to sound the alarm.

McCaslin had confiscated the woman’s phone.

Brandy McCaslin, 39, had been granted unsupervised visitation rights to two of her children just a month before she killed her at her home in Verdigris, Oklahoma

Brandy McCaslin, 39, had been granted unsupervised visitation rights to two of her children just a month before she killed her at her home in Verdigris, Oklahoma

Bryce with Baby Billy Noe with Baby Billy

McCaslin killed 10-month-old Billy Jacobson, her 6-year-old son Bryce, and her 11-year-old daughter Noe in Thursday night’s tragedy

Billy Jacobson Sr. paid tribute to his son, calling him the

Billy Jacobson Sr. paid tribute to his son, calling him the “cutest, happiest baby” who “woke up every morning with a big smile, waiting to play.”

She had her son in the car and began setting off firecrackers through the garage window to alert law enforcement to the tragedy, according to Billy’s father, Billy Jacobson Sr.

Authorities confirmed that when they found McCaslin barricaded inside the home, armed with a gun, the lone officer began investigating and called for assistance.

When officers gained entry to the home hours later, they found McCaslin and her three children dead.

Billy Sr. told that McCaslin had asked for an extra class with her son and he believes she “planned this in advance”.

He “I knew she was struggling, and I was so scared that something like this would happen.” She planned that out in advance.

“She asked me a week and a half ago if she could spend an extra hour with Billy that day. She was a very controlling person and that combined with the loss of her grandparents was the reason for that.

“Having no control over where her children went would have been a factor.” She tried to get her to move back in with her.

“Her grandparents babysat her all her life, they raised her, gave her everything she wanted and when she got into trouble, they took care of her.” All it did was create a monster.

Billy Sr. told  McCaslin had asked for an extra class with her son and he believes she

Billy Sr. told McCaslin had asked for an extra class with her son and he believes she “planned it in advance”.

The mother-of-three (left) attempted suicide in January after losing her grandfather.  The father of her youngest child said her mental health deteriorated when her grandmother died a month later

The mother-of-three (left) attempted suicide in January after losing her grandfather. The father of her youngest child said her mental health deteriorated when her grandmother died a month later

The mother-of-three had also been released from DHS custody in the weeks leading up to the murders while she was caring for Bryce (pictured).

The mother-of-three had also been released from DHS custody in the weeks leading up to the murders while she was caring for Bryce (pictured).

“Me and Noe’s dad fought over what was safe for the kids.” Brandy had a lot of mental health issues and threatened to elope with Billy and never let me see him again.

“The courts have failed us dramatically.” I had emergency custody for Billy, and Noe’s father did the same, but within a month they returned her a supervised visit when she had done nothing.

A fundraiser has raised $215 of $10,000 to help pay for Billy and Bryce’s funeral expenses and any other help the family needs.

McCaslin reportedly told the court that she had completed her counseling following her assassination and attorneys for Billy and Noe’s fathers had been fighting to keep her from unsupervised visits.

The mother-of-three had also been released from DHS custody in the weeks leading up to the murders while she was caring for Bryce.

Over a month before the murders, she was granted unsupervised access to the children, with Billy Sr. blaming the system for the children’s deaths.

Billy Sr. said, “Her weapons, a shotgun, a couple of hunting rifles and a .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun, were taken away from her after the first suicide attempt.”

“But I think her friend gave her back to her when she was released from custody for Bryce, and that’s exactly what happened.”

“She was a mother and the courts immediately gave her a lot more attention.” I think if it had been a man on the other side of the fence, I would never have seen my children again.

A memorial to the three children was erected in front of the property as the neighbors recognized the three children as

A memorial to the three children was erected in front of the property as the neighbors recognized the three children as “happy and normal children”.

A fundraiser has raised $215 of $10,000 to help pay for Billy and Bryce's funeral expenses.  It said McCaslin gave birth to her son during a

A fundraiser has raised $215 of $10,000 to help pay for Billy and Bryce’s funeral expenses. It said McCaslin gave birth to her son during a “supervised visit.”

“Because she was a mother, they just gave her back the children whether it was safe or not.” No checks were made to make sure they were safe.

“She did it to take them away from me and their fathers.” That’s why she did it. The courts let us down dramatically, it was a total failure.

“We don’t want this to happen to anyone else.” We are praying for changes in the system to prevent this from ever happening to any other family.”

Paying tribute to all three children, Billy Sr. called Billy the “cutest, happiest baby” who “woke up every morning with a big smile, waiting to play” — adding that he was “so loved” by his two sisters, Alex and Zoe.

He was also taking care of Bryce, who was autistic and had told the six-year-old when he visited last week that he would “always take care of him”.

The father-of-three said, “I told him I couldn’t be your daddy, but I’ll always be your Billy and I’ll always take care of you.” I just didn’t think I would have to take care of him by organizing his funeral.

“Bryce was the cutest and happiest little boy, he always had a smile and a heart of gold – he got everyone’s attention.”


Authorities confirmed that when they found McCaslin barricaded inside the home, armed with a gun, the lone officer began investigating and called for assistance

Authorities confirmed that when they found McCaslin barricaded inside the home, armed with a gun, the lone officer began investigating and called for assistance

“Noe was a silly, funny, sweet little boy. She was so shy but she had only recently started vaulting, I was so proud of her. She was strong and fearless.’

A memorial to the three children was erected in front of the property as the neighbors recognized the three children as “happy and normal children”.

A spokesman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said, “On the afternoon of July 20, 2023, officers from the Verdigris Police Department noticed fireworks exploding outside a home near East Dogwood Court and Cypress Street.”

“Officials went looking and discovered an armed and barricaded woman in the apartment.”

“Negotiations quickly got underway while they worked to get in touch with 39-year-old Brandy McCaslin. A standoff ensued for the next three hours.

“With no response, officers broke into the home where they found McCaslin and her three children dead.

“The children included a ten-month-old, six and eleven-year-olds.” McCaslin was found to have shot all three children and then turned the gun on himself.

“The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has been asked to assist in this case.” OSBI agents will continue to work with the Verdigris Police Department while this investigation continues.”