Exclusive: Susana González and Valentino Lanús tell us about their reunion: “It was fascinating”

On the occasion of the next premiere of Your life is my life, a story that will appear on the screen of Las Estrellas on January 15, one of the most anticipated couples on television in 2024, Susana González And Valentino Lanusspoke to us, exclusively for HELLO! Mexico.com, this project that marks the heartthrob's return to melodramas after more than eleven years away from the camera: “This is directed from a different place,” confessed the actor, who described this production as something mystical: “This “I had it on my mind to return,” he admitted, telling us that days before he knew Susana González would be the protagonist, he had a dream in which the actress revealed herself to him: “A day or two later they called to offer me the soap opera. It was easy, I didn’t have to struggle with the decision.”



A mystical project

The strange thing is that, as Susana told us, she also experienced a similar situation to her co-star, with whom she had already worked in Amor Gitano in 1999: “Days before I found a photo from 12 years ago, from that time , when we were in a soap opera. It's been many years since I touched the drawer where I kept these work photos and I came across these photos of Valentino. I started looking for him on social media and saw some photos of him doing spiritual exercises in the jungle. When they told me that he would be my partner in this great adventure, I was very surprised,” remembers Susana. When they met again based on these anecdotes, it was immediately clear: “It was a fascinating meeting of two adults with maturity and family,” added Valentino.


Valentino admitted that in this return to soap operas he wanted to share with the production some of the healing techniques he learned during the time he experienced what he calls his awakening: “It's a great task to bring a little with me. “It was quite an adventure to pass on this knowledge that I was able to cultivate. “It's a double job in the soap opera and behind the scenes,” commented the actor. For her part, Susana also spoke about how her partner was able to help several people backstage: “Valentino teaches us all these practices. We are experiencing something extraordinary. I've never experienced that in a soap opera. Every day there is someone in some place who benefits from Valentino, they come up to him, they talk to him, he gives them some kind of therapy,” he said.

Valentino's healing anecdote

In the premise of the melodrama, the health problem of Paula Lugo, Susana González's character, is at the forefront, a topic that she wanted to talk about with Valentino, who recalled the health episode that she was able to overcome during her spiritual process: ” First there was a great, transcendental spiritual experience in my life and then came discovery. “I discover this discomfort, this illness and, guided and directed, I choose to resolve it. It's not just sitting and waiting for the healing, it's a very deep work,” he commented on the discovered intestinal tumor: “I was cured, it came out, it disappeared”. When we asked Susana if she would ever dare to give up her professional life to spend full time with her children like her character, she replied: “I do that in every soap opera, I take time for my family.” “And I am completely with my children, they have me not a hundred, but a thousand, for everything they need.”


The family, the driving force of both

This story is characterized by family unity, which is why both of them immediately connect with the plot: “It is the basis of everything. It is your refuge, your core. “My family is my support,” admitted González. When we asked her to whom she would dedicate this work, the actress answered without thinking: “To my children for the patience and love they have for me, for the fun they give me. I admire them, they are wonderful children,” she admitted. . Like never before, Susana González told us how she feels now that her children, Santiago And Susanne, 15 and 13 years old, has entered puberty: “Fun and enriching. I deal with people who are becoming young people, becoming adults, but who are still children. I really enjoy just being there, listening to them, taking care of them, they are very cheerful and happy children. What interests me most is that they are good people.”


For his part, Valentino also dedicated his interpretation of Pepe Castillo to his people: “To my wife and my daughter, whom I love with all my heart, they are my driving force, my life and everything,” he said. At that moment, Valentino shared a little about the excellent relationship he has with his daughter. Mary Magdalene7 years old, which he introduced exclusively on the pages of in 2016 HELLO!: “It's unbelievable. It's fascinating. Only when I see her can I understand who this girl is.” When asked if he has plans to expand the family, the actor admitted: “I would like to, yes, I would love to, but it is not something we have planned.” Finally, Valentino, who took the opportunity to thank the public for keeping him informed despite his absence, assured that this is not a final return, even if he did not close the door definitively: “No, I think it is a specific project. “I always pay attention to life, to what God sends, where God sends,” he concluded.