Expensive petrol extended 200 euro petrol bonus for employees government

Expensive petrol, extended 200 euro petrol bonus for employees: government decisions

Expensive petrolthe Council of Ministers approves the decree extending the fuel bonus for employees up to a maximum of 200 euros. Signing of the Transparency Agreement, which obliges traders to put up signs with the national average price next to the selling price, under threat of sanctions up to the cessation of activity. The suppliers on the highway must have a cap set by a norm.

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What did the CDM decide?

The 15th Council of Ministers of the Meloni government was convened in the late afternoon of January 10th. Due to the expensive fuel, several decisions have been made regarding the crisis. Every trader is obliged to put up a sign with the average price set by the Ministry of the Environment next to his own price every day. Sanctions will be imposed for violations, and for repeated suspension of activity for a period of between a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 90 days. This is what the decree passed by the government today provides.

The suppliers on the highway must have a cap set by a norm. The cooperation with the Gdf is strengthened in order to have more controls, a quick warning commission for prices is set up within the cartel office. The CDM also approved a decree extending 23 fuel vouchers for the first quarter, with a maximum value of €200 per employee. The extension was proposed by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Last updated: Wed 11 Jan 2023 08:51