Expert in El Salvador reflects on Chinese politics in the

Expert in El Salvador reflects on Chinese politics in the global village

Author and Master in Political Science at the Universities of Hanover and Berlin, Germany, Danid Hernández, praised “A Global Community with a Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Measures for the Peoples of the World” in an article in Diario El Salvador. the Asian giant’s policies to address global problems and threats to humanity.

China’s commitment to addressing current challenges, Hernández said, is “the creation of the Belt and Road Initiative and global development, security and civilization initiatives, the fruits of which have brought prosperity and stability to the world.”

Humanity, he said, stands at a crossroads where interdependence is the dominant trend in history.

Globalization has transformed our planet into a global village where new information technologies and the highways of the digital age have broken boundaries and united the entire world, sharing advances in the Internet, big data, quantum computing and artificial intelligence, he claimed.

The central Chinese thesis – emphasized the scientist – is that global challenges require a global response to the return of war to the Eurasian scenario and the threat of nuclear catastrophe.

Hernández addressed the “new realities” that show economic decline as well as a decline in global development, with the North-South divide narrowing to the point where nearly 800 million people suffer from chronic hunger and the Human Development Index falling for the first time . in 30 years.

Wars and conflicts around the world led to a new Cold War with the emergence of multiple government crises in energy, food and external debt amid increasing global warming, the analyst added.

He pointed out that the Chinese proposal envisages addressing the challenges with the unity of the more than 190 countries on the planet and revitalizing international relations, with the new features of global governance focusing on issues such as openness and inclusion, equity and justice as well as harmonious coexistence, diversity and mutual learning, unity and cooperation among everyone.

Hernández said Beijing pursues a foreign policy aimed at maintaining world peace, opposing all forms of hegemonism and power politics and not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. The world needs peace, just as people need air and living things need sunlight, he concluded.
