1672348353 Experts warn quotThe corona pandemic is not overquot

Experts warn: "The corona pandemic is not over"

According to experts, widespread vaccination of the population “achieved good immunity among the population”. But the pandemic is not over.

More recently, experts Christian Drosten spoke, and dorothee von laer, for the end of the corona pandemic. the german virologist Christian Drosten recently explained that he believes the corona pandemic is over. “This winter we are experiencing the first endemic wave with Sars-Cov-2, in my opinion the pandemic is over”. It was considered one of the toughest measures to warn against the crisis. Von Laer also agreed with the German virologist. But local corona experts warn against premature euphoria.

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On request “Today”, the State Coordination of COVID Crisis (GECKO) comments on the current situation. Austria is currently in a different situation than the previous year, as the Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday. Significantly lighter strokes due to the omicron variant, good immunity in the population due to Corona vaccination and effective medication – all this has significantly changed the structural conditions of the pandemic.

When is an “end” in sight?

The development of the pandemic is continuously evaluated by the Ministry of Health’s expert committees. Furthermore, in its current report, GECKO warns against prematurely declaring the end of the pandemic. The decisive factor for the official end of the corona pandemic is not only the national situation in Austria, but also international developments.

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Orientation: International development

Austria also always follows the WHO and ECDC assessment. So far, no technical definition has been given as to when the corona pandemic will enter an endemic phase. Therefore, it is important to wait for the future developments according to the experts.

FFP2 tests and masks

“Currently we are registering a stable infection process, but this is accompanied by other viral diseases such as influenza or the RS virus. Therefore, it is particularly important to update your corona vaccination and take the influenza vaccine”, says the opinion. In addition, the FFP2 mask continues to provide effective protection against infections, the committee appeals to the population’s personal responsibility.

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