EXTENSION: Xi calls for expanding China Mexico cooperation in finance, electric vehicles

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called for expanding China-Mexico cooperation in finance, electric vehicles and other emerging sectors.

Xi made this statement during a meeting with his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the sidelines of the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting, adding that both sides should make good use of intergovernmental cooperation to create a cooperation mechanism and to deepen cooperation in traditional areas such as infrastructure construction.

The friendship between China and Mexico has withstood all circumstances and increasingly strengthened, Xi said, pointing out that both countries held a series of activities last year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. They are celebrating the 10th anniversary of their Comprehensive Strategic Association.

Xi said that at present, the strategic, complementary and mutually beneficial nature of China-Mexico relations is becoming more and more prominent, adding that the two countries are increasingly steadfast in providing each other with understanding and support on issues which concern their respective vital interests transcendental concerns.

China attaches great importance to its relations with Mexico and is willing to work with Mexico to strengthen strategic coordination, realize cooperation potential and leverage complementary advantages to take Sino-Mexican relations to a new level, he added.

The Chinese president stressed that China supports Mexico to independently follow the development path in accordance with its national realities and is willing to strengthen exchanges with Mexico on the country’s governance.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral trade volume has increased 7,000 times, with very fruitful results of cooperation in the fields of railways, automobiles and new energies, he said.

Xi said the two sides should deepen cooperation in enforcing anti-drug law enforcement, and both sides should actively support each other’s holding of artistic performances and cultural exhibitions and other people-to-people exchange activities.

The two sides should strengthen multilateral cooperation, resolutely uphold multilateralism and democratization of international relations, and protect international equality and justice and the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, Xi said.

In addition to mentioning that next year coincides with the 10th anniversary of the China-CELAC Forum, Xi said China is willing to work with Mexico to promote the stable and lasting development of China-Latin America and the Caribbean relations (LAC). in the new era.

Xi reiterated his solidarity with Mexico, which was recently hit by the Pacific coast hurricane, and said China will offer Mexico strong assistance in procuring rescue materials.

For his part, López said that Mexico and China have great civilizations and both peoples are bound by affinity and brotherhood.

In the most difficult moments of the COVID-19 pandemic, China was one of the first countries to stand by Mexico, providing the country with a large amount of valuable supplies to combat the epidemic and helping it move forward, López said.

The Mexican president noted that recently, when Mexico’s Pacific coast was hit by a strong hurricane, China provided early solidarity and support, for which Mexico is deeply grateful.

Both Mexico and China defend their own independence and categorically reject interference in other countries’ internal affairs, he said. As always, Mexico will continue the friendly policy towards China and maintain mutual support. Mexico will provide facilities for Chinese companies to invest and cooperate in the country, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and deepen cooperation in combating drug production and trafficking.

López pointed out that Mexico is ready to strengthen cooperation with China in multilateral affairs and actively promote the development of relations between Latin America and China.