1649234649 Extermination of Ukraine Russians make shocking announcement Ukraine

“Extermination” of Ukraine – Russians make shocking announcement – Ukraine

In an article by “Ria Novosti”, a political scientist calls for the “elimination” of Ukrainians and the destruction of Ukraine’s “anti-Russian construction”.

The only way to “denazify” Ukraine is the “total annihilation” of the Nazis, punishment of those responsible, re-education of the population and severe censorship in politics, culture and education: the Russian state news agency “Ria Novosti” reported on Monday under the title “What Russia should do with Ukraine” is a guest article by political scientist Timofei Sergeitsev, who is close to the Kremlin.

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In it he writes that the country’s elite must be liquidated because re-education is not possible. The “extermination” will be a “purely Russian business”, with the allies having no say in it. But not only the elites, but also the majority of the population are Nazis – “passive Nazis”, the so-called collaborators – and therefore complicit in the current situation, writes Sergeitsev.

“Open Call for Genocide”

They too must be punished, they had to endure the suffering of war as a “historical lesson” and “atonement for their sins”. Ukraine is an anti-Russian artificial construct with no culture of its own, a “subordinate element” of a foreign civilization.

Overall, “Uronazism” is a similar threat to peace and Russia as German Nazism under Hitler. According to the author, the name “Ukraine” should no longer be used for the state structure after “complete denazification”. The article was clicked over 770,000 times as of Tuesday night.

Read more at: Russia openly announces the total annihilation of Ukraine

The director of the Center for Oriental Studies, a Polish think tank, and the director of the Center for Polish-Russia Relations harshly criticize the article – and choose clear words: “This is an open call to genocide”.

War crimes legitimacy

At the very least, the article explicitly justifies internal war crimes, says Niklas Masuhr, a security researcher at ETH Zurich’s Center for Security Studies (CSS). The fact that Russian doctrine focused on deterrence and the example of counterinsurgency was known before the war and remains evident. Crimes like Bucha are structurally part of the Russian war, says Masuhr. “In combination with the purge narrative, of course, this doesn’t bode well.”

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The article can be read in such a way that within the scope of the “denazification” program, in addition to the overthrow of the government, the “cleansing” of all pro-Ukrainian forces is also required, says Michel Scheidegger, a researcher at the Military Academy at ETH Zurich. (Milak) “My In my opinion, however, this is very much about the media war.” Photos of Bucha, Mariupol and Kharkiv would have clearly shown the world the brutalization of the Russian war after the failed coup in Kiev “It also damaged Russia’s image and within Russia it responded to state-orchestrated propaganda by radicalizing its cynical and distorted rhetoric.”

War rhetoric is a sign of Russia’s weakness

According to Scheidegger, the article must therefore be understood as part of Russian war propaganda directed from the Kremlin, which is based on pseudo-historical references, which distort realities and, therefore, want to legitimize violence. At the same time, this rhetoric should also be seen as a sign of Russia’s weakness. As the Ukrainian population did not accept the defenseless invasion, Kremlin propaganda now declared them “collaborators of the Nazi regime in Kiev” or “passive accomplices”.

In addition to the chilling rhetoric about “cleansing” and “re-education”, the author calls for a long-term division of the Ukrainian state into a pro-Russian state in the east and a remnant state militarily occupied by Russia in the west. “Such a division would only be conceivable in the event of a complete military occupation of the country or a sudden implosion of the Ukrainian armed forces,” says Scheidegger. “I consider both options unrealistic given the current war situation.”

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