Extreme Violence Defendant who identifies as trans woman failed to

Extreme Violence: Defendant who identifies as trans woman failed to obtain clemency from judge

A former mixed martial artist guilty of extreme domestic violence has failed to convince the court that identifying as a trans woman reduces his risk of recidivism enough to avoid the offender being labeled dangerous . He was also sentenced to 15 years in prison.

• Also read: He identifies as a woman and hopes for mercy from the judge

“Matthew Jody Burke is a dangerous offender who is unable to back down from his violent behavior toward intimate partners. He’s a manipulator, his plans [de changement de sexe] are opportunists,” Judge Jean-Jacques Gagné commented in the Montreal courthouse this Friday, calling for the protection of women.

Burke, 47, hoped to get away with much less punishment. Because the fact that he now identified as a trans woman made him less dangerous, in his opinion, since his crimes had been committed while he was a personal trainer and he then considered himself a straight man.

“He constantly questioned their fidelity and accused them of wanting to seduce other men,” a court document said.

Burke initially presented himself as a great romantic before bending his victims to his will. Among other things, he told them how to dress and closely monitored all their social interactions.

If they disobeyed him, he could strangle them into oblivion or even threaten them with death. He has already attacked her with a knife.


Burke was convicted in Ontario in 2005 and in Vancouver in 2014, but re-offended in Montreal in 2017.

“We must underscore the patience, resilience, courage and moderation of Brigitte Jobin,” a victim of Burke’s who wrote a letter to the court to speak about the impact of the crimes on her.

Burke is said to have mutilated his genitals a few days ago, although the extent of his injuries is unclear. This decision, which required emergency surgery, follows his rejected request to be transferred to a women’s prison.

“[Burke] hope for support,” said his lawyer Me Véronique Talbot.

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