Eye make up from the age of 10 and over

Eye make up from the age of 10 and over 50s and 60s should know these 2 glaring mistakes stock market forecasts

Make-up is a gesture inherent in women. Almost a gift from nature. Ever since you were a kid, you’ve been stealing your mother’s tricks for smearing your face and “playing checkers”. Even as a little girl to go out with friends, you start putting on eye and lip makeup. Wearing makeup makes us feel more beautiful and confident. A well-done trick is also helpful, among other things, in minimizing possible shortcomings while emphasizing our strengths. Make-up is a true art. You must have a minimum of manual dexterity to avoid making a mess. For example, here are some useful tips for applying eyeliner.

In addition to good gestures, it is also very important to know how to choose the products that best suit your physical characteristics. In fact, when choosing the colors and textures of the products, it is important to consider many factors such as: B. the color of the complexion and the tone of the eyes. And again the shape of the eyes, the lips, the nose… In short, to create a perfect make-up you need a lot of experience.

We can’t just rely on fashions. In fact, seasonal trends often don’t suit us at all. In general, girls are allowed to do anything (or almost anything). However, over the years it is also important to consider the body’s natural decline. Every day our skin loses its elasticity and resilience. The first facial expression lines are already noticeable around the age of 35. It is a completely natural process that must be accepted. However, it is important to keep this in mind when standing in front of the mirror to do your makeup.

These 2 carvers should know eye make-up from the age of 10 and over and over 50s and 60s

Eyeshadow belongs in every woman’s beauty case. The available colors are almost infinite. Mature ladies are usually sober. Because of this, they often choose dark colors, like gray, especially in its darker shades. Additionally, to revitalize a slightly dull look, they opt for pearlescent products because they believe they add shine to the look. What has just been described is a very serious mistake, because eye makeup takes 10 years to age.

Dark colors are very dark. From the age of 50, the classic “smokey eyes” should therefore be achieved with sober, natural and delicate shades. Also, it’s good to avoid overly heavy strokes, both with pencil and eyeliner. As for the texture of the eyeshadow, those with a “pearl effect” are very risky, as they emphasize the imperfections of the eyelid. In particular, they tend to accumulate in fine folds of skin. They not only emphasize a slight defect, but also give the impression of dry and even wrinkled skin.


If you have small eyes, you absolutely must know this simple make-up technique that opens up the eyes and makes them intense and magnetic

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only. We do not know the habits of our readers when using tools, ingredients and products for personal care. For this reason, it is recommended to use extreme caution and attention with tools. Ingredients and products, which are usually used for personal care and makeup In any case, it is strongly recommended to read the warnings accompanying this article and the author’s responsibilities. HERE”)