Fabio Fazio and his career in Rai from Quelli che

Fabio Fazio and his career in Rai, from “Quelli che il calcio” to “Anima mia” via Sanremo

Yes, there had been the copycat years when few could have imagined the career Fabio Fazio would build from there. She made her TV debut – unfortunately – alongside two women: Raffaella Carrà in “Pronto Raffaella” and Loretta Goggi in “Loretta Goggi im Quiz”. It was 1983. Forty years later, the conductor said goodbye to Rai. Forty years in which he has increasingly become a mainstay of public television with “Che tempo che fa”, which he has been conducting since 2003 with various further developments and spin-offs. A show that, not by chance, has become synonymous with an authoritative space, was also chosen by the Pope for his first television interview. Previously, the conductor’s great success had made another format a television cult: “Quelli che il calcio”. Since 1993, Fazio has christened it, showing how entertainment can be combined with commentary on the day’s football, given that it was broadcast after the Serie A football championship.

“Those Who Play Football”

They were happy and easy years in which the “Fazio style” prevailed: calm, relaxed, but always inclined to irony and satire. A comedian-turned-conductor, capable of making himself the perfect accompanist when the need arises – and the partnership with Luciana Littizzetto is just a test – who is the first to enjoy his programs and his guests.

“My soul”

With the same spirit, 1997 saw the turn of “Anima mia”, a program intended to narrate and joke about the 1970s, conducted by an unpublished Claudio Baglioni. It was a success that validated Fazio’s ability to shape his imagination and turn it into television content.


On the basis of this success came the big step that the Sanremo Festival represented: four editions: 1999, 2000, 2013 and 2014. They were consistently successful editions, which were also epochal for the guests: from Renato’s co-moderation Dulbecco until the participation of Mikhail Gorbachev as a guest.

“Come Away With Me” and “What I (Don’t) Have”

2010, on the other hand, is the year of the lists and the partnership with Roberto Saviano. In other words: the year of “Come with me”. In this case, too, the approval and support of the public was not long in coming and reached peak values ​​of 32%. A success repeated with a program that was a kind of evolution of this format: “Quello che (non) ho”, broadcast on La7.

“Risk It All”

For years, one of Fazio’s wishes was to pay homage to Mike Bongiorno by rebooting his historical quiz show, Rischiatutto. In 2016, therefore, he managed to re-imagine it on television, tracing the basics such as scenography and jingles. In January last year, however, “Binario 21” went on the air, a highly acclaimed program in which the conductor chronicled his existence alongside Liliana Segre, so as not to forget.