Fabio Fazio reveals everything between the lines es who wanted

Fabio Fazio reveals everything between the lines: e’s who wanted to get him out of Rai Abruzzo Cityrumours

Fabio Fazio returns to talk about his farewell to Rai. Between the lines, the presenter made it clear who wanted to ban him from public broadcasting, leaving viewers stunned.

It is a magical moment for Fabio Fazio, who has already seen on the Warner Bros. networks that his loyal audience has certainly not let him down, despite the much smaller user base compared to Rai. Just when it came to public service, the popular presenter made it clear who wanted to unseat him.

Fabio Fazio’s revelation on his departure from Rai – Credits: Ansa Photo – Abruzzo.CityRumors.it

Fabio Fazio continues to score ratings with his Che Tempo Che Fa, also on the Nove and Warner Bros channels. The host recently decided to talk about himself on Fedez’s podcast “Muschio Selvaggio”. The host revealed everything the joy of the 10% achieved in the first episode and above all, he reiterated that things can only get worse now. Various topics are covered during the rapper’s long interview with the microphones.

In fact, the protagonist of Che Tempo Che Fa also had the opportunity to talk about a person he admires, such as Roberto Saviano, revealing that it was an injustice that his program was not broadcast. Fazio then defined his colleague as one of the greatest contemporary intellectuals, a state-protected writer who is not allowed to appear on state television. This situation in particular is paradoxical for him. While discussing the hot topic, the host had the opportunity to return to his farewell to Rai.

Fabio Fazio reveals the reasons for his departure from Rai: “I’m sure he wanted me at any cost”

During the interview with Muschio Selvaggio, Fabio Fazio also had the opportunity to talk about his relationship with Rai and, above all, how and for what reasons he left public television. In fact, Fazio clarified that he never claimed to have been kicked out. At the same time, however, he emphasized that you have to stay in one place for 40 years It’s as if you were told that the lease cannot be renewed and this can lead to a situation of disorientation.

The words of Fabio Fazio to Muschio Selvaggio – Credits: Ansa Photo – Abruzzo.CityRumors.it

There have also been various reasons for abandoning Rai over the years and when Fazio spoke about the hot topic, he did not disappoint them by stating: “There were many posts from Salvini that worried me…“ – he later joked with a smile on his lips – “But I’m sure he wanted me, I’m sure of this thing, he wanted me and Fedez at any price and Saviano too!”.

In short, for Fabio Fazio However, saying goodbye to Rai was painful However, after 40 years of collaboration, the presenter’s consolation is the excellent ratings of the new edition of Che Tempo Che Fa, which continues to entertain viewers.