Actor and comedian Fábio Porchat announced the end of his marriage to producer Nataly Mega after disagreements over whether or not he wants to have children. While Nataly wanted to be a mother, Porchat doesn’t want to have children.
The crisis finally ended the relationship of more than 8 years, 5 of which were married. Conversations on this topic are not new. The comedian, one of the presenters of “Papo de Segunda” and “Que História é Essa, Porchat?”, both on GNT, had previously spoken about the subject on the shows.
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In an interview with Extra in 2022, Porchat revealed that he and his nowexwife froze fertilized eggs.
“The child is already frozen. It must be close. My wife wants two children and she is 35. The man, 70 years old, is pregnant. The woman, no. There is a biological clock that says: ‘It is now .” . So, we’ve already frozen things, and when we deploy it, we won’t let you know until it’s already in the sixth month, so people aren’t in a hurry,” he told Time.
In the same interview, he stated that he thought he was “a wonderful father” but feared his son would not be.
“How can I control him? I think it will be amazing because I like children, I like people, I like to play and to be together. (…) But having no control over people… He could be a little Tasmanian devil or a Mother Teresa of Calcutta,” he mused.
In a publication last Thursday (13), Porchat said that he and Nataly have “gone down different paths” when it comes to whether or not they want to have children in the future. “Having a son is a serious matter and an unchanging decision. And at this moment, each of us leaves one side, knowing that the affection and mutual admiration will remain,” he emphasized.
He also said the decision had been discussed between them since November last year and that they intended to wait until after Mardi Gras to announce the end of the marriage, but ultimately decided to anticipate it.
“I love you Nataly. infinite! you deserve the world And beautiful children,” the comedian concluded.