Fabio Porchat promises to see the final at the stadium

Fábio Porchat promises to see the final at the stadium and it scares

Comedian Fábio Porchat, 39, poked fun at his reputation as a cold feet fan while appearing on today’s edition of Encontro (TV Globo).

He recalled being in the stands for Brazil’s last three historic World Cup defeats: the unforgettable 71 loss to Germany in 2014; when eliminated in favor of Belgium in 2018; and also in last week’s game against Cameroon.

However, all this did not stop Porchat from continuing to personally promote the selection. “I’ve seen Brazil lose at three different World Cups. [Mas] It’s already clear: If Brazil are in the final, I’ll definitely go to the stadium. I’m going to break that stigma,” the comedian promised.

“He has returned to Brazil and our mission is to leave him here,” joked presenter Patrícia Poeta, just as cheerfully. “The English and French gave you the ticket, I’m absolutely sure,” joked Manoel Soares.

In order to mitigate the negative “effect” of Porchat’s followers on the Brazilian team, Patrícia insisted on presenting him with a gift on behalf of the “Encontro” and his team: a slipper with the symbol of the national team to “warm up”. The comedian’s ‘cold foot’.

“It’s the kind of humor that hits the underdog. How wicked! I feel very powerful knowing that the future of the Brazilian team is in my hands,” Porchat sneered, taking it all as a joke.