1651332045 Fabrizio Corona escapes house arrest and goes to Nina Morics

Fabrizio Corona escapes house arrest and goes to Nina Moric’s house over a money question: denounced

A fight for money that would have disappeared, both disputes call the carabinieri. And only one of the two who helps at the end of a complaint, but for avoiding house arrest. Fabrizio Corona and his ex-wife Nina Moric were the protagonists of a very eventful Friday evening. The former king of the paparazzi – who is under house arrest serving sentences from various trials – showed up at the model’s home in the Fondazione Prada area of ​​Milan. As far as we know, Corona wanted some money from Moric, which he felt she would have deducted from a joint availability. The sounds grew louder and the woman called the carabinieri. Corona also called 112 to report the theft.

The military came and tried to calm the people down. After all, Nina Moric didn’t want to report her ex-husband for assault. But for Corona – who only has permission to leave the house on Friday evening, but for professional and not private reasons – the evasion charge was jeopardized. A story that Corona’s lawyer Ivano Chiesa has reduced to “a dispute between an ex-husband and an ex-wife, as many do”.

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April 28, 2022Fabrizio Corona escapes house arrest and goes to Nina Morics
