Fabrizio Corona how much did the RAI shows cost My

Fabrizio Corona, how much did the RAI shows cost My Luxury

Fabrizio Corona on Rai because of the football betting scandal he committed. But how much was his fee?

Fabrizio Corona, how much did the RAI shows cost?

After serving his ten year sentence Fabrizio Corona celebrated his freedom by sparking one of the biggest football scandals of all time. Rai He immediately wanted the former king of the paparazzi, then listed on Avanti Popolo, also to talk about his private life and current gossip in the salons of Belve and Domenica In. But how much did the leaders of Viale Mazzini spend? to have him as a guest?

Fabrizio Corona super guest at Rai

After the end of his prison sentence Fabrizio Corona He is a free man and has decided to use this freedom to refocus local gossip in all its forms on himself. Francesca Fagnani was the first to want the former king of the paparazzi on her program, spitting on him in the first episode of Beasts on Rai 2. Here Corona had great regard for his family, his son Carlos Maria, and then revealed that at the time of their relationship he had organized an evil trick against Belen Rodriguez. Fabrizio also spoke about Belen and her eating problems, which have been the focus of all the major gossip sites in recent days. on Sunday in, in front of an astonished Mara Venier, who had not expected the interview to take such a turn.

Fabrizio Corona, the fee for Rai guests

Fabrizio Corona After appearing at Belve and Domenica In, he was invited by Nunzia De Girolamo to her program Avanti Popolo on Rai 3. Here the former king of the paparazzi was supposed to talk about the Serie A footballers’ betting affair, which he himself had brought to light and which plunged the football world into complete chaos. However, something went wrong and Fabrizio was censored, offended by the behavior of the authors whom he openly criticized on Instagram.

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But how much did Rai pay to have Corona as a guest on three shows? At the presentation of the Golden Tapiro of Striscia la NOTEia, it was he who confirmed to Valerio Staffelli that he had only paid a good sum and, according to blogtivvu, that sum would be good 34 thousand euros.