1658389170 Famous Dominicans who ended their marriages in 2022

Famous Dominicans who ended their marriages in 2022

The musicologist and Ana Carolina are the latest couple to decide to end their relationship. They have quit and returned several times, but, and the former TV presenter assures in a statement to the media, this time the break is final.

“This is to inform you that my musicologist husband and I, Ana Carolina, have been going through a painful breakup for several months,” the model began. Ana Carolina her split from the urban singer.

He added, “It has been almost seven years of marriage for which we both ask for respect for this issue, which was an amicable decision, well thought out and based on the respect and love we have for one another.”

other couples

In January of this year, the veteran communicator Tania Báez confirmed that she is divorcing Francisco Jiménez. She explained through a video posted to her Instagram account that she made the decision to split seven months prior and that they signed the papers three months prior to her announcement.

“For some time I have been repeatedly asked about my relationship through these platforms and to close the assumptions I will tell you that 7 months ago I made the decision to separate and 3 months ago we signed the divorce” , he wrote next to the video.

expand imagehttps://www.spamchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Famous-Dominicans-who-ended-their-marriages-in-2022.jpginfographicTania Baez and Francisco Jimenez.

The breach that drew the most attention on social media was that of the communicator Gabi Desangles and artistic entrepreneur José Chabebe.

“No one deserves to be the victim of digital/social lynching and unhealthy slander because that is destructive, although many others benefit from Chabebe.

It was after less than a year of marriage that the communicator broke up with the businessman.

expand imagehttps://resources.diariolibre.com/images/2022/07/19/man-with-long-hair-76affdb2.jpginfographicGabi Desangles and artistic entrepreneur José Chabebe.

In late 2019, in an environment surrounded by friends and family, Chabebe proposed to her. They had been living together for some time prior to the wedding and had planned to marry before July 2021 but had to postpone the ceremony due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The couple started their relationship in early 2018, but the communicator decided to go public with them two months later with several photos together with Chabebe.

Another relationship that ended that year was that of communicator Maria Angélica Ureña and her husband Cristian Moquete. She said in February that the marriage ended amicably.

“The truth is that it ended in a very special way, it was something by mutual consent, both families had a very good relationship, because the truth is that I believe that papa God unites goals and in the moment that we met and during the time that we met in our marriage there was a kind of growth for both of us until at some point we realized we were on two different sides,” the actress, who is also an actress, said on the TV show Pamela Todo Un Show.

expand imagehttps://resources.diariolibre.com/images/2022/07/19/man-and-woman-posing-for-the-camera-in-front-of-a-green-wall-b5405c2f.jpginfographicMaría Angélica Ureña and her husband Cristian Moquete.

Dominic Fuentes and Tommy Galan

Earlier this month of July and after seven years of marriage Communicator Dominic Fuentes and former senator and former San Cristóbal provincial MP Tommy Galán decided to end their relationship.

It was the communicator who released the information and did so with a powerful message of self-love along with a picture of her.

Fuentes pointed out that questions from some people forced her to confirm the rupture of love ties with the politician.

expand imagehttps://www.spamchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1658389168_271_Famous-Dominicans-who-ended-their-marriages-in-2022.jpginfographicDominic Fuentes and Tommy Galan.

“My truth, here and now there are unavoidable, undeniable realities. Questions that are already difficult to avoid. And yes, I answer you, my life has taken a different course, a north that I wanted to walk alone for now. With love and respect that he was my life partner and I decided to part our ways, each to get on with his life, with great gratitude for so many wonderful years lived and a beautiful daughter as a result of it,” he began Fuentes.

He added: “Life is spinning and you have to flow with it. My experiences, my mature years, my wishes, my dreams accompany me. There is a wonderful life in reconstruction. Other viewers don’t always look at things randomly, they look at time.” helps put them in their place. I have characterized myself as a level head all my life and will continue to do so. The fullness of my years is non-negotiable, and neither is my peace.”

Local baseball wasn’t spared from Cupid’s misadventures either. in April of this year Albert Pujols announced his divorce after 22 years of marriage.

“I’ve been asked a lot of questions over the past few days about what was going on at home and unfortunately, after 22 years of marriage, I’ve made the decision to file for divorce from my wife Deidre,” Pujols said in a statement, which various media outlets like Collect TMZ.

expand imagehttps://resources.diariolibre.com/images/2022/07/19/albert-pujols-deidre-pujols-poses-for-a-photography-2d755823.jpginfographicAlbert Pujols and Deidre.

Pujols admits the timing of the news isn’t ideal given his wife underwent brain surgery last week to remove a tumor … but the split wasn’t “something that happened overnight.”

“As a devout Christian, this is an outcome I never wanted. Many long days and nights I have prayed and asked the Lord to guide me,” said Pujols.

Pujols, who married Deidre in 2000, did not elaborate on the split.

Divorces in the Dominican Republic


According to national statistics, mutual understanding is cited as the main reason given at the time of the official split. In 18 years there have been 326,004 divorces in the Dominican Republic, which is an average of 18,111 per year.

The data covers the period 2001 to 2018 and reflects an upward trend from 12,821 cases to 24,772.

During the same period, 776,469 marriages were officially contracted. The figures reflect that, on average, there is one divorce for every 2.4 marriages in the country.

The gap narrows as the ratio was one divorce to 2.9 marriages in 2001 and has fallen to one to 2.0 in 2018.

Of the total number of divorcees, 169,751 couples appealed to mutual consent before the judges, among a set of eight different options provided by the Divorce Act 1306-BIS. In second place is character intolerance with a total of 156,199 cases, according to statistics from the National Statistics Office (ONE).

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