Fans get in the way of paramedics boxing pro dies

Fans get in the way of paramedics: boxing pro dies in fight

Bavarian boxing drama: A fighter passed out lifeless during his fight, paramedics rushing to the rescue were disabled by fans.

When Musa Askan Yamak entered the ring at the Garching community center, no one knew it would be the last fight of his life. The WBF International Champion boxed without a hitch in the first two rounds, but when the light heavyweight pro emerged from his corner at the start of the third round, he suddenly passed out, lifeless.

disruptive fans

According to “Bild”, he had not received any serious attacks so far. His support team, ringside doctor and paramedics immediately started emergency measures and, according to eyewitness accounts, carried out resuscitation attempts. Organizers canceled the event immediately and asked fans to leave the packed hall immediately.

But then problems arose: after fans left the hall, family members and helpers removed the ropes from the ring and moved chairs to the side to clear the way for emergency medical personnel and an ambulance.

investigations are ongoing

But around 50 ventilators are said to have prevented first responders from providing them. According to eyewitnesses, 15 police patrols and a special unit moved in to ensure an unhindered emergency operation. The boxer was immediately taken to a hospital after first aid, but his life could not be saved.

The 38-year-old man’s cause of death is a heart attack. There was also a police operation in front of the hospital because there were annoying fans who had to be calmed down by the executive. Investigations are ongoing as to whether deficiencies during the rescue operation are responsible for the athlete’s death.

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Nav-Account red Time16.05.2022, 10:17| Act: 05/16/2022, 10:24