Farewell to Luca Sabatelli Raffaella Carras costume designer he was

Farewell to Luca Sabatelli, Raffaella Carrà’s costume designer: he was 87 years old

He died at the age of 87 Luca Sabatellithe historical costume designer of the greats Raffaella Carra. Sabatelli died in the Lombard capital of Milan and his life was marked by an important partnership with the undisputed queen of Italian television. It was precisely for her that he designed and created wonderful dresses, always whimsical and seductive, which made the immortal Raffaella shine even more.

Luca Sabatelli’s career

Luca Sabatelli was born in 1936 and was born on June 3rd in Florence. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in the Tuscan capital, he began an intensive collaboration with the world of entertainment. He took part in numerous productions for theater, television and cinema. Not only the partnership with Raffaella Carrà in her brilliant career, but also the creation of stage costumes for many illustrious names: from Monica VittiTo Ursula AndressTo Laura Antonelliuntil Anita Ekberg.

It still is, lots of familiar faces with whom Luca Sabatelli worked and put his great craft at their service: Giorgio Albertazzi, Adriano Celentano, Gianni Morandi, Marco Vicario, Franco Brusati, Gino Landi, Ugo Tognazzi, Pippo Baudo and Beppe Recchia. He also worked as a costume designer Directors of the caliber of Luciano Salce, Marcello Fondato, Castellano e Pipolo, Carlo Verdone, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Valerio Zurlini, Marcello Fondato, Sergio Martino, Duccio Tessari, Luigi Zampa, Castellano e Pipolo and Carlo Verdone. In short, a brilliant career to say the least.

The partnership with Raffaella Carrà

As expected, Luca Sabatelli’s career is closely linked to the name Raffaella Carrà. In fact, Sabatelli was next to her on the occasion of her very first color television show in 1978. But what an evening, starring Alighiero Noschese, Paolo Panelli and Bice Valori and directed by Gino Landi. But it’s not over yet, because Luca Sabatelli continued his collaboration with Raffaella Carrà also for programs like Fantastic And Carramba, what a surprise.

Sabatelli had no doubts about the connection he had with Carrà: “I think that we understood each other from the first moment and began to use color to create the image of the 80s,” the costume designer revealed some time ago. Then he continued: “Unrepeatable, cheerful, aggressive, original stage clothing Symbol that glows over time“. Finally, words of great admiration for the popular showgirl: “As an international star, she has faithfully maintained her image even outside of fashion.”

The memory of Lorella Cuccarini

It goes without saying how much pain and consternation the news of Luca Sabatelli’s death caused in the world of entertainment. Many spent part of their time paying homage to the costume designer. In particular, the post published on social media by Lorella Cuccarini, who expressed her condolences and also shared a photo with Luca Sabatelli, was deeply moving: “Luca, pure genius and friend, We will miss you very much. I owe you all the costumes of my most famous theme songs: over fifteen years of collaboration. They knew how to transform any fabric into a starry dress. We saw each other in the theater last year. I will always remember your hug and your words. Bon Voyage”.