1704638095 Farm visits

Farm visits

One does not have to be a passionate vegetable gardener, a tireless dairy producer or a staunch environmentalist to be interested in the fate of men and women who dedicate their heart and soul to ensuring that their land, their livestock and their businesses are as prosperous as possible, according to these fictions and documentation.

Solid coconut

Farm visits

Photo provided by Club illico

This family adventure has all the right ingredients for a light and entertaining production. In this job, a boy wants to earn money by laying eggs from many chickens. Motivated and motivating, he manages to convince several people around him to believe in his project. The enthusiasm of youth takes center stage, alongside an unemployed man (played by a likeable Benoît Brière) who finds his enthusiasm again. The community spirit gives this positive comedy a momentum that it embraces and maintains until the end. Big dreams are inspiring!

Available to subscribers of Club illico

Family farm

1704638084 38 Farm visits

Photo provided by MCS Communications Media

Sometimes you have to redouble your efforts, be brave and push through if you want to keep your business. The Montcalms, the stars of this documentary, understand this. For them, it is imperative that their business withstands this wave of neglect that is sweeping family businesses. This survival undoubtedly requires significant costs and trust in technology. Your stable needs to be modernized. There is no question of giving up because there is certainly a solution to continue all the impressive work that has already been done.

Shared by Tou.tv

Everything is possible

(go The biggest little farm)

1704638086 801 Farm visits

Photo provided by Diamond Docs

“Environmentally friendly” and “sustainable” are attractive adjectives in a time when respect for the environment stirs passions. For a documentary filmmaker and his wife, having to leave their apartment means having a farm that offers both qualities. This eco-friendly documentary features images of Moorpark, California, filmed over a period of more than ten years (!), in which a real connection with nature takes place. A harmony between fauna and flora to create an ecological farm that meets the couple's wishes.

Offered by Netflix

Clarkson on the farm

(go Clarkson's Farm)

1704638088 886 Farm visits

Photo provided by Amazon Studios

For some, farming means routine and boredom. You definitely don't know Jeremy Clarkson. The British columnist and television presenter experiences anything but linear and uninteresting moments on the farm he and his wife own in Chadlington, England. Do you want to see animals doing whatever they want? Want to know how farmers are coping when weather is bad, crops are failing, and a pandemic is disrupting their way of life? You are in good hands.

2 seasons on Prime Video


1704638090 111 Farm visits

Photo provided by Plan B Entertainment

There is no shortage of ideas for these immigrants who have chosen the American Dream as their ultimate goal. Since California doesn't live up to their expectations, a Korean couple heads to Arkansas, more specifically to a small farm. The parents of two children want to grow the fruits and vegetables that we eat in their South Korea. The arrival of the maternal grandmother will also turn the quartet's existence upside down. The creation of this drama was honored with the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.

Available from Crave