FDP party conference yes to heavy weapons yes to traffic

FDP party conference: yes to heavy weapons, yes to traffic lights

Status: 04/23/2022 22:09

Ukraine is the dominant topic at the FDP party congress. Despite criticism of Chancellor Scholz, delegates overwhelmingly support the federal government’s policy – but call for the delivery of heavy weapons.

By Philipp Eckstein, ARD Capital Studio

The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine was the central theme of the first day of the FDP federal party conference. Much of the speeches revolved around the question: what can and what should Germany do? Some delegates harshly criticized Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the SPD.

Phillip Eckstein

NDR Logo Philipp Eckstein ARD capital studio

Ultimately, however, the party congress backed FDP party leader Christian Lindner and the federal executive council with a clear majority, which supports key points of the federal government’s Ukraine policy.

Philipp Eckstein, ARD Berlin, at the FDP Federal Party Conference

tagesschau24 09:00, 24.4.2022

demand for heavy weapons

The approximately 660 delegates were received by the Young Liberals at the conference venue in Berlin in the morning. His demands for more support for Ukraine while also accepting the mistakes of the past were written in several graffiti photos.

Julis boss Franziska Brandmann told the ARD capital’s studio: The “Ukrainians who are fighting bravely not only for their freedom, but for our freedom” must be supported with the delivery of heavy weapons. She is not satisfied with the status quo: “Olaf Scholz is our country’s chancellor and he doesn’t dare say the word tank.”

A short time later, at the official opening of the party congress, party deputy Wolfgang Kubicki appeared similarly aggressive. The image “that many representatives of the largest government party are presenting before the eyes of the world public cannot satisfy us as coalition partners,” he said, to much applause.

The largest party in government is the SPD, with Chancellor Scholz having the authority to set guidelines. Although Kubicki did not mention him by name, he did address him when he said: “Concrete and effective military assistance is needed for Ukraine, and some say there is also a decisive will to lead. This is currently lacking.”

Scholz support

Sharp criticism and yet: FDP leader Lindner made it unequivocally clear in his speech shortly after that liberals support Chancellor Scholz. Lindner, who was only digitally connected due to a corona infection, called the chancellor a “responsible leader” and said: “The chancellor has the confidence of the FDP and also his parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.”

The leader of the FDP party, who also stressed in his speech that Ukraine needs heavy weapons, set the course. Although there were many critical comments about the SPD’s Russia policy at the party congress, in the end it was always clear: the delegates are happy that the FDP is part of the government and they support important decisions of the federal government.

FDP sets course for its Ukraine policy at federal party conference

Michael Stempfle, ARD Berlin, Daily Topics 23:15, 23 April 2022

Also FDP for ring exchange

After lengthy discussions, the party’s federal executive agreed to a joint motion on Ukraine’s policy. He said: “We welcome the fact that Germany is supplying its own weapons systems to former members of the Warsaw Pact in exchange for them providing Ukraine with heavy weapons – such as ready-to-use tanks and artillery – with which to the Ukrainian armed forces are familiar with and which they are familiar with can therefore be used immediately.” In essence, this describes the so-called “exchange of rings”, which Chancellor Scholz now also supports.

The motion also emphasizes that Germany must not jeopardize its own ability to defend itself, must act in unison with its allies and must not become part of the war. These are also positions that the federal government has repeatedly emphasized recently. Based on this, Ukraine is also to receive heavy weapons from German industry, which Germany is to finance, as announced.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, a member of the FDP’s federal council and chairman of the defense committee, has recently repeatedly publicly criticized the federal government. But she also expressly supported the motion. He was a “real and important sign,” she said. After a lengthy discussion, delegates agreed to – in the words of the meeting’s chairman – an “overwhelming majority”.

Djir-Sarai elected secretary general

Christian Lindner may also view Bijan Djir-Sarai’s election as secretary-general as a sign of approval. 89% voted in favor of the party president’s proposal, who as federal finance minister is also part of the federal government.

The bottom line is that the FDP managed to strike a balance between criticism and loyalty on the first day of its federal party conference: almost every speech on Ukraine called for more weaponry, and many criticized the chancellor and parts of the SPD for a lack of resolve. . At the same time, party leader Lindner took on the role of loyal coalition partner and received broad support from delegates for doing so.

Daily summary of the FDP federal party conference

Philipp Eckstein, ARD Berlin, 23 April 2022 21:14