Fear for Maria Grazia Cucinotta the diagnosis that came from

Fear for Maria Grazia Cucinotta, the diagnosis that came from America: "I have a disorder that…" Belligea.it

Maria Grazia Cucinotta and the disorder she suffers fromMaria Grazia Cucinotta – Belligea.it

There is fear for Maria Grazia Cucinotta, who really didn’t expect this diagnosis. Confirmation comes from America, here is the disorder that afflicts her and makes her life more difficult than expected.

Maria Grazia Cucinotta confirmed that he had done it a disruption which affected every aspect of her life. The followers are afraid for her because they never knew anything, but after the confirmation that came directly from America, there is no longer any doubt.

This particular disorder creates warnings that make life difficult until they are understood exactly how to behave and Cucinotta knows this very well, because she has long felt a certain shame. Here’s what we’re talking about.

The disorder of Maria Grazia Cucinotta

Before we move on to the trouble Maria Grazia CucinottaWe would like to remind you that the moderator is back A7with Double date on the weekend. As a matter of fact, from Saturday, 16 September we will find her with her, The perfect ingredientWhile from Sunday, 17 September with, The perfect ingredient face to face. The first will air at 11am and the second at 10am.

With his usual welcoming manner, Cucinotta will offer his loyal viewers the many appetizing and delicious recipes, all signed, with the Saturday appointment made in Italy. During the second new show, Maria Grazia will invite her guests to lunch in the most famous and prestigious places Italian restaurants. Here, between one bite and the next, the presenter and her guests will have many conversations dedicated to their lives and experiences. In short, it will be a very interesting weekend that you will spend at La7.

Maria Grazia Cucinotta and dyslexiaMaria Grazia Cucinotta – “Source: Instagram” – Belligea.it

Let’s be clear: it’s not a disease!

Maria Grazia Cucinotta revealed a very personal anecdote from her life that caused her a lot of grief at the peak of her career. Cucinotta was diagnosed Dyslexia disorderhe discovered it directly in America, while filming the film, Postmantogether with the big ones Massimo Troisi. Here’s something he had explained Maria Grazia herself: “I have a problem with getting the endings wrong, swapping vowels and while I’m speaking, when I’m distracted, the tracks cross with the words and I have trouble putting them back in line. “

So before we explain to you what dyslexia actually is, we need to do the following: much broader discussionsince this disorder, along with three others, is part of the DSASpecific learning disorders.

Accordingly official definition reported on the website ofItalian Dyslexia AssociationDSA is a “neurological developmental disorder that impairs the ability to read, write and calculate correctly and fluently and manifests itself at the start of school.” The DSA includes the Dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.

In this particular case with Cucinotta was diagnosed with dyslexia, i.e. the difficulty of reading a text quickly and correctly, thereby making it more difficult to understand. In the past, this reality was not known and the blame for these deficiencies was placed on students. Fortunately, today everything is different and with specific rehabilitation exercises, any subject experiencing this reality can do it lead a completely normal lifealso because of dyslexia it is not a lack of intelligenceon the contrary.

This explanation aims to show you that stereotypes about this disorder still do not disappear, but as you can see from the specific case of Maria Grazia Cucinotta, this will happen in a few days he will even be in charge of two own programs. Not bad, right?

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