Featherweight Responds Strongly To Pepe Aguilar After Underestimating His Success

Featherweight Responds Strongly To Pepe Aguilar After Underestimating His Success

featherweight became the first Mexican artist to reach number one on Spotify’s Top Global Songs list in mid-April, a success that would have been minimized by it Pepe Aguilar.

Although the 54-year-old singer admitted that he liked “two or three songs” by Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija, as the young artist’s real name is, he also made a statement that was seen as underestimating his work.

“The secret I wanted to tell you is this if Spotify is consumed at 60 percent in Mexico“On a global level, (then) all the artists in the (country) will be number 1 in the world (…) it’s as simple as that,” he told the press on April 25.

Three years ago he also spoke out against the lying corridos, the musical subgenre that Featherweight already represents. Nathaniel Cano.

What does Featherweight think of what Pepe Aguilar said?

Given the controversy sparked by Pepe Aguilar’s words, media outlets including TVNotas, Milenio and Publimetro resumed an interview in which Featherweight responded to the situation as a reporter on the show Sit down, who can! asked the interpreter of “She Dances Alone”.

“Pepe Aguilar had made some comments a while ago that he didn’t agree or support this genre. Now that you agree with everything, what do you think of everything that has been said before?” he asked.

Not wanting to engage in controversy, the 22-year-old singer-songwriter limited himself to simply replying, “Without words, me.” I have nothing to do there“.

On the contrary, he spoke to all those people who didn’t believe that this new aspect of the Mexican region that made him famous would succeed.

“You’ve already seen that there’s something to get Yes, there is talent and above all a lot of desire from the young Mexicans to get ahead (and that’s what I have)”, external.

“After all, it’s music, and there will be people who like it and (others) who don’t like it,” he commented on the fact that his songs’ lyrics are written in “explicit” language. .

The featherweight defends himself and his fans against attacks

Two weeks ago, “La doble P,” as the artist is also known, responded to a Twitter user who, according to Aristegui Noticias, categorized those who listened to his “hits” as “nacos.”

“You’re not a Naco, you’re a classicist, which is worse,” the star said in a tweet, which is no longer available on her social media “feed.”

After the debate started, he presented his arguments to defend his point of view: “If you don’t like a genre of music, that’s normal and nothing happens,” he tweeted.

“But if you use such a derogatory word just because you don’t like a certain artist, you’re automatically classist and intolerant,” he added.

What happens between Featherweight and Bad Bunny? The Mexican apologized to Benito