Federation of Hope Forms in Brazil to Support Lula

Federation of Hope Forms in Brazil to Support Lula | news

The leaders of the Workers’ Party (PT), the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) and the Green Party (PV) this Monday made official the statute for the formation of a federation of political organizations, agreeing that it will be led by the current president of the PT , Gleisi Hoffmann, for a one-year term.


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Luciana Santos (PCdoB) and José Luís Penna (PV), who already manage their games, complete the management team of the new entity. The formation of a federation between the acronyms has been discussed for months and was approved by the PT’s national registry last Wednesday.

According to the statutes, the general assembly of the parliamentary group will consist of 60 members, with 3 fixed seats for each party and another 51 distributed in proportion to the size of the chamber’s parliamentary group.

According to a PT release, the group must consist of at least 30 percent women and another 20 percent based on ethnic-racial criteria.

Unlike the coalitions, the federated parties are committed to acting as a single party and maintaining a programmatic position for the next four years, although the presentation note clarifies that the three parties will act to “promote the candidacy of President Lula and his parliamentary base to strengthen”. .

In the joint statement signed by the party leaders, the association says it will act as a “decisive force to rid our country of the nefarious far-right government.”

“Faced with this gigantic task, the Federation, led by former President Lula, must add, gather and mobilize broad political, social, economic and cultural forces so that the people and democracy emerge victorious from October’s elections.”

The note also said that the parties will seek, in a federal manner, to elect “large progressive benches for the national congress and legislatures, as well as a sizable body of governors, to set the conditions for the government elected by this broad alliance to the To have conditions to drive the changes and the great transformations that the country needs”.

On December 16, the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) approved the resolutions on the election and registration of candidates for the 2022 elections and authorized the formation of such federations that allow two or more parties to act in unison during the elections and in the Legislature for at least four years.

Former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva is leading the polls against current President Jair Bolsonaro ahead of next October’s elections.