Federico Fashion Style coming out tomorrow to Verissimo He admitted

Federico Fashion Style, coming out (tomorrow) to Verissimo? “He admitted to being gay for money”: the latest Indisc

He had announced that the truth would come soon. And it seems rumored that Federico Fashion Style has shed his “mask”. And he did it in Verissimo’s living room. In the episode of Silvia Toffanin’s lecture, which will be broadcast on Canale 5 tomorrow from 4pm. It would have come full circle and Federico Lauri would have silenced (and confirmed) the gossip once and for all: the hairdresser would have confessed that he was gay.


Federico Fashion Style, the ex-partner (Letizia Porcu) posts the photo with the new (famous) boyfriend: the hairdresser’s reaction

Federico Fashion Style, coming out at Verissimo?

Federico Fashion Style, coming out at Verissimo? Reporting the news in the preview (neither confirmed nor denied by others) is Alexander Rosikathe gossip expert, better known as social researcher.

Is Federico Fashion Style gay? He: “Life does not consist of masks”. Bruganelli’s comment: “I would never have said that”

job interview tomorrow

Certainly morning, Saturday January 21stFederico della Toffanin will open the Pandora’s box of his life: from the love for his daughter to the pain of separation from his partner Letizia Porcu. His life is in the spotlight. The separation from his long-term partner and mother of his daughter Letizia Porcu caused a lot of conversation: Federico lost weight and he was not doing well, he spoke of the problems with Letizia and the distance to little Sophie Maelle caused him great pain. Her Instagram stories are always about the little girl and the boundless love that the hairdresser feels for her daughter.

Federico Fashion Style, Befana without her daughter: «No one can take me away from you». Then he denounced his former partner Letizia Porcu

The rumors

According to reports from Alessandro Rosica, Federico Fashion Style will not only admit that he is gay and come out, but also talk about his ex and confirm that he really loved her when they were still together

According to Rosica’s indiscretions (who, however, does not believe in Federico Lauri), the hairdresser “always wanted to protect his daughter and wants to clarify that years ago he always reported everything to Letizia”. According to this reconstruction, Federico will therefore explain that Letizia was aware of his parallel life and that he recently discovered his sexual orientation.

Federico Fashion Style shouts to Verissimo: «Letizia? No one will ever erase her from my life. Ours was a special love”

Not only that, alongside revealing this alleged statement by Lauri, Rosica adds that the VIP hairdresser would have preferred to say it on TV to “get good money and come out in front of the whole of Italy”.

Meanwhile, Letizia Porcu, ex of Federico Fashion Style, has already comforted herself in the arms of well-known music producer Vincent Arena.