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fedez is willing to make its contribution to sea rescue migrants. During the last episode of the Mucchio Selvaggio podcast, the rapper hosted Cecilia streetdaughter of the founder of Emergency and has announced that he will be boarding ResQ, the boat of the NGO of the same name, in which the Strada operates, for a mission in the Mediterranean. But not only. As well as Ghali, who donated a lifeboat to Mediterranean NGO Saving Humans And Banksy who financed Louise Michel, fedez has reveals that it does not want to be surpassed. “I want to see how much a ship costs – he said – I also want my face to point to it and it frightens.”
“I want to show what you can’t see” The NGO ResQ has received significant funding from Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd. Now Fedez is ready to board the ship of the same name. “I think it makes sense to come because I could give my testimony and show as many people as possible what they can’t see – he said -. I think that could be my benefit.”
Ocean Viking: “Fedez supports us” Meanwhile, the NGO Sos Méditerranée is launching an appeal to the rapper. “It’s not for us to judge Fedez’s intentions, but if he really wants to fund a rescue and research vessel, we’re available to explain how, or he can if he wants to.” Supporting Ocean Viking has years of experience,” Francesco Creazzo of Sos Méditerranée told Adnkronos.