05 May 2022 09:46
The rapper on the Wild Moss podcast: I wanted 200 million
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“What is your relationship to money?” asks the rapper Lazza, catching him embarrassed on the subject. “I’m still learning to give money the right value,” replies the colleague. “If you catch me on the wrong day I’ll spend like crazy.” Then Fedez intervenes: “I’ll give you an example: Before I had the tumor, I had a money goal. I don’t care anymore…”
“How much was it, if I may ask?” Lazza asks and the rapper doesn’t hide his goals: “200 million” answers openly and firmly. “After saying to myself: it doesn’t make sense … – continues Fedez – Do you know why? Imagine that after that you hit 200, then it’s 300, then it’s 400 and you hit the billion and you realize that’s not the goal.
“But where do you spend it then?” asks Lazza, imagining the amount they’re talking about. However, Chiara Ferragni’s husband has clear ideas about money: “You spend it, you spend it. And you can lose it too. Standard of living will be different. They start spending on businesses and making investments.
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