Fedez in Piazza Duomo to promote blood donations. But there is controversy with the region: “Mr. La Russ…

A day in which, thanks to a blood van parked in front of the cathedral, blood bags were collected so that those who booked online could donate (places were already sold out yesterday). And many volunteers around the square to raise awareness among young people and “recruit” new possible donors via a QR code that allows you To on the Avis website. It’s the day “Donate blood, donate life” organized in Milan by the Fedez Foundation, founded by the rapper, with Civis, the inter-association coordination of Italian blood donations that brings together Avis, the Italian Red Cross, Fidas and Fratres.

If it weren’t for the fact that the day is intended above all to reach the youngest fans of the singer who is the judge a back and forth between Fedez and Romano La Russa, Councilor for Security and Civil Protection of the Lombardy Region. After greeting the fans and volunteers waiting for him on the pitch, Fedez actually left the event – with the excuse of looking at the work being carried out in the blood van – just as the regional councilor for volunteer work Elena Lucchini spoke first and then exactly: La Russa .

Just one case? Apparently not, as the rapper himself admits: “No, it’s not a coincidence, because we organized this thing with the Fedez Foundation together with Avis and the city of Milan.” I have never seen Mr. La Russa involved And not even Ms. Lucchini, who said she was thinking about organizing an event. So is the region “burdened”? “You do it,” replies the rapper with 14.8 million followers on Instagram.

Fedez leaves when Romano La Russa says, “It’s not a coincidence.” He replies, “You’re a little man.”

Soon thereafter came the response from La Russa, the brother of Senate President Ignazio: “Am I in conflict with Fedez? I don’t even know who he is. I am here because I was invited by blood donors and I am happy and proud to be there. I cannot take care of others, especially when it comes to little men – says the Lombard regional council –. I haven’t even seen him walk, but if I have, I confirm that he is a small man, very small. His behavior was obvious. He considers it a heroic act, but in reality it was a sign of rudeness towards the presidents and all associations. I thank him for his work today, but he hasn’t behaved well. He only discovered Avis today because he needed it, but there are people who have always dedicated their lives to this topic. It is not a gesture of love towards the donors.”

The day, as Fedez himself explained, was organized to carry out an information campaign, especially among younger people, and to highlight the importance of donating blood: “I learned first-hand how important it is to have blood bags present in the blood station. “Of course I say ‘mea culpa’ about the delay because I had to experience it myself,” said the singer. The reference refers to the last hospitalization he experienced last October after surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2022: due to internal bleeding, Fedez has actually undergone two transfusions in recent weeks and was carried twice to the Fatebenefratelli operating room in Milan. Therefore, today’s event was organized with the support of the City of Milan.

During the morning, however, Fedez did not limit himself to arguing with the Lombardy region: to those who asked him how the campaign for the psychologist’s bonus was progressing – the other cause in which the singer, husband of Chiara Ferragni, is currently involved ,: with a collection of signatures to the Ministry of Health to demand the release of the funds, which exceeded 350,000 signatures – he responded by recalling “the words of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, who said he would publish the implementing regulations in August.” We are in November and it is the money for 2023. 2023 ends in December, what do we want to do? Make fun of people or do something? He told us a week ago that he would lift the executive orders in a few days, but to date he has done absolutely nothing. So we are waiting for the minister.”