Fedez kicked out of a casino in Las Vegas heres

Fedez kicked out of a casino in Las Vegas: here’s what happened

As the saying goes, he who does it waits. AND fedezhe expected to be kicked out of a Las Vegas casino. Yes, because his intention was just that: to understand how long it would take for the casino staff to figure out that he – along with other friends – was using memory skills to win at blackjack, and see how it would end. But the end was already written.

to achieve the idea Vegas and tempting destiny was born in one of the last episodes of the Milanese rapper’s podcast,Pussio Selvaggio. Poker champion Dario Sammartino and Italian memory champion Andrea Muzii were guests of the format and decided to test themselves on the field alongside Fedez and Luis Sal to show they could easily win at a table blackjack in one of the renowned casinos in Las Vegas. The intention was just to see how well the casino officials would tolerate the huge wins before kicking them out.

Card counting is not illegal in American casinos, but it is to be used mental abilities winning is not good to see. In cases where players are caught using intellectual abilities that lead them to beat the house and other players with frequency and ease, they are also asked to leave the casino since American casinos are private. And that’s exactly what happened to Fedez and the others when they won substantial sums of money at a Las Vegas casino.

“We just got kicked out of the first casino,” he admitted Andrea Muzii in a video posted on social media (and published by Il Messaggero) in which he shows himself together with Fedez, continuing: “Let’s assume it went well because we won a lot. Then the guy comes and tells us to go. But I have to say that it’s very satisfying that my intellectual abilities are endangering the turnover of a billion-dollar company, it excites me.” And in the video, Fedez can be heard after the speech: “The guy also said to me outside, ‘You too ‘ (You too) said. The casino that Chiara Ferragni and Muzii’s husband were evicted from wasn’t the only one visited by the group. But what really happened in Las Vegas will be revealed on the Fedez podcast.