Fedez leaves when no La Russa speaks and answers Little

Fedez leaves when no La Russa speaks and answers: “Little man” News Ansa.it

During the event in Piazza Duomo in Milan to raise awareness of blood donations, Fedez argued about the presence of representatives of the Lombardy region, city councilors Romano La Russa and Elena Lucchini. In particular, when La Russa spoke, the rapper left the area where the institutional speeches were held to visit the mobile blood donation unit and the various stands of the associations.
Responding to journalists who asked him if it was a coincidence that he left when the regional council was speaking, Fedez explained: “No, it is not a coincidence because we have this thing with the Fedez Foundation with Avis – he said – and the city of Milan.” I have never seen Mr. La Russa involved, nor has Ms. Lucchini, who said she was thinking about organizing an event. “So has the region screwed up? the journalists asked him. “Do it,” he concluded. “I haven’t even seen him walk, but if so, I confirm that he is a small man,” replied Romano La Russa – very small. His behavior was obvious. He thinks he has done a heroic act, but in reality it was a sign of rudeness to the presidents and all the associations.”
“I thank him for his work today, but he has not behaved well. He discovered Avis today only because he needed it, but there are those who have always dedicated their lives to this subject,” he concluded. “It is not a gesture of love towards donors”.

Video Romano La Russa: ‘Fedez left while I was talking? Little man’

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